
noun see icky

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • ickiness — See ickily. * * * …   Universalium

  • ickiness — noun The state or condition of being icky …   Wiktionary

  • ickiness — ick·i·ness …   English syllables

  • ickiness — ˈikēnə̇s noun ( es) : the quality or state of being icky …   Useful english dictionary

  • icky — ickiness, n. /ik ee/, adj., ickier, ickiest. Informal. 1. repulsive or distasteful. 2. excessively sweet or sentimental. 3. unsophisticated or old fashioned. 4. sticky; viscid. [1930 35, Amer.; of uncert. orig.] …   Universalium

  • Love That Boy — Infobox Film name = Love That Boy caption = director = Andrea Dorfman producer = Jan Nathanson writer = Jennifer Deyell Andrea Dorfman starring = Nadia Litz Adrien Dixon Nikki Barnett Ellen Page music = cinematography = editing = distributor =… …   Wikipedia

  • icky — adjective (ickier; est) Etymology: perhaps baby talk alteration of sticky Date: 1929 offensive to the senses or sensibilities ; distasteful < put off by her icky triteness Renata Adler > • ickiness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • icky — adjective (ickier, ickiest) informal 1》 unpleasantly sticky. 2》 nasty or unpleasant.     ↘distastefully sentimental. Derivatives ickiness noun Origin 1930s: perh. related to sick1 or the child s word ickle little …   English new terms dictionary

  • preciosity — n (all of language, style, or taste) overrefinement, excessive refinement, fastidiousness, fin ickiness; preciousness, meticulosity, meticulousness; Sl. cutesiness, daintiness, effeminacy, effeteness; primness, prudishness, prudery, Inf.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • viscosity — n thickness, stickines, adhesiveness, tackiness, glueyness, mucilaginousness, viscidity; stodginess, slabbiness, heaviness, glutinousness; syrupiness, gumminess, mucosity, gelatinousness, Physical Chem. colloidality, jelliedness, yolkiness,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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