
adverb see refute

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • refutably — See refutability. * * * …   Universalium

  • refutably — adv. in a disprovable manner, in a rebuttable manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • refutably — re·fut·ably …   English syllables

  • refutably — adverb see refutable * * * refˈutably (or /ri fūtˈ/) adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑refute …   Useful english dictionary

  • refute — transitive verb (refuted; refuting) Etymology: Latin refutare to check, suppress, refute Date: 1545 1. to prove wrong by argument or evidence ; show to be false or erroneous 2. to deny the truth or accuracy of < refuted the allegations > •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • refute — refutable /ri fyooh teuh beuhl, ref yeuh teuh /, adj. refutability, n. refutably, adv. refuter, n. /ri fyooht /, v.t., refuted, refuting. 1. to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge. 2. to prove (a person) …   Universalium

  • refute — verb /rɪˈfjuːt,rəˈfjut/ a) To prove (something) to be false or incorrect. b) To deny the truth or correctness of (something). Syn …   Wiktionary

  • rebuttably — adv. refutably, in a contradictable manner, in an opposable manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ir — ir·bis; ir; ir·gun·ist; ir·i·ar·tea; ir·i·desce; ir·i·des·cence; ir·i·des·cent·ly; ir·kutsk; ir·pex; ir·radiance; ir·radiancy; ir·radiant; ir·ra·di·at·ing·ly; ir·radiation; ir·radiative; ir·radiator; ir·rad·i·ca·ble; ir·rad·i·cate;… …   English syllables

  • irrefutably — ir·refutably …   English syllables

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