
adverb see rotund

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • rotundly — rotund ► ADJECTIVE 1) large and plump. 2) round; spherical. DERIVATIVES rotundity noun rotundly adverb. ORIGIN Latin rotundus, from rotare rotate …   English terms dictionary

  • rotundly — See rotundity. * * * …   Universalium

  • rotundly — adverb In a rotund way …   Wiktionary

  • rotundly — rəʊ tÊŒndlɪ adv. in a rounded manner, roundly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • rotundly — ro·tund·ly …   English syllables

  • rotundly — adverb in a sonorous manner the congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously • Syn: ↑sonorously • Derived from adjective: ↑rotund, ↑sonorous (for: ↑sonorously) …   Useful english dictionary

  • rotund — rotundly, adv. /roh tund /, adj. 1. round in shape; rounded: ripe, rotund fruit. 2. plump; fat. 3. full toned or sonorous: rotund speeches. [1695 1705; < L rotundus round, circular, deriv. of rota wheel; cf. ROUND1] Syn. 2. obese, fleshy,… …   Universalium

  • sonorously — adverb in a sonorous manner the congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously • Syn: ↑rotundly • Derived from adjective: ↑rotund (for: ↑rotundly), ↑sonorous …   Useful english dictionary

  • rotund — adjective Etymology: Latin rotundus, probably alteration of Old Latin *retundus; akin to Latin rota wheel more at roll Date: 1665 1. marked by roundness ; rounded 2. marked by fullness of sound or cadence ; orotund, sonorous < a master of rotund… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rotund — [rə(ʊ) tʌnd] adjective large and plump. ↘round; spherical. Derivatives rotundity noun rotundly adverb Origin C15: from L. rotundus, from rotare rotate …   English new terms dictionary

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