
adjective Date: 1877 marked or affected by or as if by stupor <
had been taken, gray and stuporous, to the hospital — Oliver Sacks

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • stuporous — Relating to or marked by stupor. SYN: carotic. * * * stu·por·ous st(y)ü p(ə )rəs adj marked or affected by stupor <was found in her home in a stuporous and unresponsive state (Irving Robinson )(et al)> <a stuporous patient> …   Medical dictionary

  • stuporous — stupor ► NOUN ▪ a state of near unconsciousness or insensibility. DERIVATIVES stuporous adjective. ORIGIN Latin, from stupere be amazed or stunned …   English terms dictionary

  • stuporous — See stupor. * * * …   Universalium

  • stuporous — adjective having slow or confused reactions, as if in a stupor; groggy …   Wiktionary

  • stuporous — Synonyms and related words: anesthetized, cataleptic, comatose, doped, dozy, dreamy, drowsy, drugged, drugged with sleep, half asleep, heavy, heavy with sleep, heavy eyed, in a stupor, languid, lethargic, napping, narcoleptic, narcose, narcotized …   Moby Thesaurus

  • stuporous — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective 1. Lacking responsiveness or alertness: benumbed, dull, insensible, insensitive, numb, torpid, unresponsive, wooden. See AWARENESS. 2. Lacking mental and physical alertness and activity: hebetudinous, lethargic,… …   English dictionary for students

  • stuporous — adj. unconscious; in a state of shock, dazed, numb …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stuporous — stu·por·ous …   English syllables

  • stuporous — adjective stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion) • Syn: ↑dazed, ↑foggy, ↑groggy, ↑logy • Similar to: ↑lethargic, ↑unenrgetic • Derivationally related fo …   Useful english dictionary

  • stupor — stuporous, adj. /stooh peuhr, styooh /, n. 1. suspension or great diminution of sensibility, as in disease or as caused by narcotics, intoxicants, etc.: He lay there in a drunken stupor. 2. mental torpor; apathy; stupefaction. [1350 1400; ME < L …   Universalium

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