
I. noun (plural folk or folks) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English folc; akin to Old High German folc people Date: before 12th century 1. archaic a group of kindred tribes forming a nation ; people 2. the great proportion of the members of a people that determines the group character and that tends to preserve its characteristic form of civilization and its customs, arts and crafts, legends, traditions, and superstitions from generation to generation 3. plural a certain kind, class, or group of people <
old folks
just plain folk
country folk
media folk
4. plural people generally 5. folks plural the persons of one's own family; especially parents 6. folk music II. adjective Date: before 12th century 1. originating or traditional with the common people of a country or region and typically reflecting their lifestyle <
folk hero
folk music
2. of or relating to the common people or to the study of the common people <
folk sociology

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • folk — [ fɔlk ] n. m. et adj. • v. 1960; angl. folk song « chanson populaire traditionnelle » ♦ Anglic. Musique traditionnelle populaire modernisée. Chanteur de folk. ⇒ country. Adj. Des groupes folks. N. et adj. FOLKEUX, EUSE , 1980 . ● folk nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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