- frozenly
- adverb see frozen
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
frozenly — adverb While, or as if, frozen; in a manner that is cold, unfeeling, unmoving, etc … Wiktionary
frozenly — adv. coldly, frostily; with a frozen expression … English contemporary dictionary
frozenly — fro·zen·ly … English syllables
frozenly — adverb see frozen … Useful english dictionary
frozen — frozenly, adv. frozenness, n. /froh zeuhn/, v. 1. pp. of freeze. adj. 2. congealed by cold; turned into ice. 3. covered with ice, as a stream. 4. frigid; very cold. 5. injured or killed by frost or cold. 6. obstructed by ice, as pipes … Universalium
frozen — adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. treated, affected, or crusted over by freezing b. subject to long and severe cold < the frozen north > 2. a. incapable of being changed, moved, or undone ; fixed; specifically debarred by official action from… … New Collegiate Dictionary
frozen — /ˈfroʊzən / (say frohzuhn) verb 1. past participle of freeze. –adjective 2. congealed by cold; covered with ice, as a stream. 3. frigid; very cold. 4. injured or killed by frost or cold. 5. obstructed by ice, as pipes. 6. (of food) preserved by… …
freeze — v. & n. v. (past froze; past part. frozen) 1 tr. & intr. a turn or be turned into ice or another solid by cold. b (often foll. by over, up) make or become rigid or solid as a result of the cold. 2 intr. be or feel very cold. 3 tr. & intr. cover… … Useful english dictionary