
adjective see tenure

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • tenurable — tenˈurable adjective (of a university post) giving tenure • • • Main Entry: ↑tenure …   Useful english dictionary

  • tenure — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French teneure, tenure, from Medieval Latin tenitura, from Vulgar Latin *tenitus, past participle of Latin tenēre to hold more at thin Date: 15th century 1. the act, right, manner, or term of holding… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ethiopia — /ee thee oh pee euh/, n. 1. Formerly, Abyssinia. a republic in E Africa: formerly a monarchy. 58,732,577; 409,266 sq. mi. (1,060,000 sq. km). Present boundaries include Eritrea. Cap.: Addis Ababa. 2. Also called Abyssinia. an ancient region in NE …   Universalium

  • tenure — /ˈtɛnjə / (say tenyuh) noun 1. the holding or possessing of anything: the tenure of an office. 2. a. a period of office or employment that terminates, possibly subject to certain conditions, only on resignation or retirement. b. the holding of… …  

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