
noun Date: 1926 the therapeutic use of cold; especially cryosurgery

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Cryotherapy — is the local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy or the removal of heat from a body part. The term cryotherapy comes from the Greek cryo (κρυο) meaning cold and the word therapy (θεραπεια) meaning cure. It has been around since… …   Wikipedia

  • cryotherapy — [krī′ō ther΄ə pē, krī′əther΄ə pē] n. Med. treatment by the use of cold, as by the application of ice packs or by lowering the body temperature …   English World dictionary

  • cryotherapy — n. the destruction of diseased or unwanted tissue based on freezing. For example, prostate cryotherapy involves the infusion of argon gas through the perineum to destroy prostate cancer cells, either after failed radiotherapy or as primary… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • cryotherapy — krioterapija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Fizinių gydymo metodų taikant žemą temperatūrą visuma – audinių, organų ar viso organizmo atšaldymas, gydymas šalčiu. Šis veiksmingas skausmo ir uždegimo reakcijų malšinimo būdas… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • Cryotherapy (chamber therapy) — Cryotherapy (Cryogenic chamber therapy) is a treatment whereby the patient is placed in a cryogenic chamber for a short duration, i.e. no more than three minutes, which is comparable to ice swimming, and if used properly, will not destroy tissue …   Wikipedia

  • cryotherapy — /kruy oh ther euh pee/, n. Med. treatment by means of applications of cold. Also, crymotherapy. [1925 30; CRYO + THERAPY] * * * …   Universalium

  • cryotherapy — noun The use of low temperatures in medical therapy or the removal of heat from a body part, aiming to decrease cellular metabolism and inflammation and to promote vasoconstriction …   Wiktionary

  • cryotherapy — The use of cold in the treatment of disease. * * * cryo·ther·a·py ther ə pē n, pl pies the therapeutic use of cold esp cryosurgery * * * n. the use of cold in the treatment of disorders …   Medical dictionary

  • cryotherapy — n. method of treating disease using extreme cold (Medicine) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cryotherapy — cry•o•ther•a•py [[t]ˌkraɪ oʊˈθɛr ə pi[/t]] n. med medical treatment by means of applications of cold • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

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