- diestrus
- noun Etymology: New Latin, from dia- + estrus Date: 1942 a period of sexual quiescence that intervenes between two periods of estrus • diestrous adjective
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
diestrus — n. a state or interval of sexual inactivity or quiescence between periods of activity; of animals having several estrous cycles in one breeding season. Syn: diestrum. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diestrus — [dī es′trəs] n. [ModL < DIA + ESTRUS] the interval between periods of sexual heat in female mammals diestrous [dī es′trəs] adj … English World dictionary
Diestrus — dvikartė ruja statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Diestrus; Dioestrus; Interestrus; Interoestrus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – rujos ciklas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
diestrus — noun (of animals having several estrous cycles in one breeding season) a state or interval of sexual inactivity or quiescence between periods of activity • Syn: ↑diestrum • Derivationally related forms: ↑diestrual (for: ↑diestrum), ↑diestrual … Useful english dictionary
diestrus — diestrous, adj. /duy es treuhs/, n. (in female mammals) an interval of sexual inactivity between periods of estrus. Also, Brit. dioestrus. [1940 45; DI 3 + ESTRUS] * * * … Universalium
diestrus — A period of sexual quiescence intervening between two periods of estrus. [G. dia, between, + oistros, desire] * * * di·es·trus ( )dī es trəs also di·es·trum trəm or chiefly Brit di·oes·trus also di·oes·trum ēs n a period of sexual quiescence that … Medical dictionary
diestrus — noun US spelling of dioestrus … English new terms dictionary
diestrus — di·estrus … English syllables
diestrus — di•es•trus [[t]daɪˈɛs trəs[/t]] n. phl zool. an interval of sexual inactivity between periods of estrus • Etymology: 1940–45; di +estrus di•es′trous, adj … From formal English to slang
gestational diestrus — the period of sexual inactivity occurring during gestation in female mammals … Medical dictionary