
noun Date: 1899 a doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain processes

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • epiphenomenalism — noun a) The doctrine that mental states and processes are simply incidental effects of physiological events in the brain or nervous system and cannot themselves cause any effects in the material world. The textbook account of epiphenomenalism… …   Wiktionary

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  • EPIPHENOMENALISM —    the theory that PHYSICAL PHENOMENA are entirely responsible for our mental states and actions so that thoughts in the brain are entirely determined by physical and not mental causes. The theory undermines TRADITIONAL religious teachings about… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

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  • epiphenomenalism — n. theory that consciousness is a secondary creation of physiological processes …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Epiphenomenalism — the view in philosophy of mind according to which physical events have mental effects, but mental events have no effects of any kind. In other words, the causal relations go only one way, from physical to mental. In recent times it is usually… …   Mini philosophy glossary

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