- extremophile
- noun Date: 1989 an organism that lives under extreme environmental conditions (as in a hot spring or ice cap)
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Extremophile — Extrêmophile Les thermophiles, sont un type d organismes extremophiles se développant dans les sources chaudes comme le Grand Prismatic Spring, au Parc national de Yellowstone Un organisme est dit extrêmophile lorsque ses conditions de vie… … Wikipédia en Français
Extrémophile — Extrêmophile Les thermophiles, sont un type d organismes extremophiles se développant dans les sources chaudes comme le Grand Prismatic Spring, au Parc national de Yellowstone Un organisme est dit extrêmophile lorsque ses conditions de vie… … Wikipédia en Français
Extremophile — Als extremophil werden Organismen bezeichnet, die sich extremen Umweltbedingungen angepasst haben, die im Allgemeinen als lebensfeindlich betrachtet werden. Dabei handelt es sich meist um einzellige Mikroorganismen. Die Definition ‚extrem‘ ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extremophile — An extremophile is an organism that thrives in and may even require physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to the majority of life on Earth.Most known extremophiles are microbes. The domain Archaea contains renowned… … Wikipedia
Extrêmophile — Les thermophiles, sont un type d organismes extrêmophiles se développant dans les sources chaudes comme le Grand Prismatic Spring, au Parc national de Yellowstone … Wikipédia en Français
extremophile bacteria. — ex|tre|mo|phile «ehk stree muh fyl», noun an organism which lives in very harsh environmental conditions. adjective –extremophile bacteria … Useful english dictionary
extremophile — An organism that requires an extreme enviroment in which to flourish examples are thermophiles and halophiles … Dictionary of molecular biology
extremophile — noun An organism that lives under extreme conditions of temperature, salinity etc; commercially important as a source of enzymes that operate under similar conditions … Wiktionary
extremophile — (ik.STREEM.uh.fyl) n. An organism whose natural habitat is an extreme environment. Example Citation: Those who think there could be life elsewhere in the solar system talk of the possibility of bacteria buried in the Martian icecaps, perhaps, or… … New words
extremophile — n. organism (usually single celled) whose natural surroundings are in extreme environmental conditions (as in hot springs, ice cap, extreme temperatures or pressure) … English contemporary dictionary