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abuilding — adverb a) Being built or under construction, as a structure or a vessel. Heere we made a double floore in the hall where the shippe was abuilding, so that the wild men, being ignorant of our way of building, could not take any notice of our… … Wiktionary
abuilding — əˈbildiŋ, ēŋ adjective Etymology: a (I) + building, present participle of build : in the process of building or of being built formidable discontents, some already strong and some abuilding New York Times low cost housing now abuilding at the… … Useful english dictionary
abuilding — /euh bil ding/, adj. in the process of building or being built. [1525 35; A 1 + BUILD + ING2] * * * … Universalium
abuilding — abuild·ing … English syllables
abuilding — a•build•ing [[t]əˈbɪl dɪŋ[/t]] adj. cvb in the process of being built • Etymology: 1525–35 … From formal English to slang
Print culture — itself, had profound effects on human societies and knowledge. Print culture refers to the cultural products of the printing transformation. In terms of image based communication, a similar transformation came in Europe from the fifteenth century … Wikipedia
Prickett's Fort State Park — Geobox|Protected Area name = Prickett s Fort State Park native name = other name = other name1 = category = West Virginia State Park iucn category = image caption = Prickett s Fort etymology type = etymology = country = United States country… … Wikipedia
Wilderstein — Infobox Historic building name=Wilderstein caption=House in 2007 map type= latitude= longitude= location town=Rhinebeck, NY location country=USA architect=John Warren Ritch, Arnout Cannon, Joseph Burr Tiffany client=Thomas Holy Suckley engineer=… … Wikipedia
a|build|ing — «uh BIHL dihng», adjective. Especially U.S. in the process of being built: »What many call the New Europe is abuilding around the European Economic Community, better known as the Common Market (Wall Street Journal) … Useful english dictionary