- ileitis
- noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1855 inflammation of the ileum
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
ileítis — f. gastrol. Inflamación del íleon. Medical Dictionary. 2011. ileítis inflamación del íleon … Diccionario médico
Ileītis — (gr.), Entzündung des Krummdarms, s.u. Darmentzündung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ileitis — [il΄ē īt′is] n. inflammation of the ileum … English World dictionary
ileitis — /il ee uy tis/, n. Pathol. inflammation of the ileum. [1850 55; ILE + ITIS] * * * Chronic inflammation of part of the small intestine or large intestine (strictly, of the ileum). A more serious type, regional ileitis (Crohn disease), involves… … Universalium
Ileitis — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD10|K|50|0|k|50, ICD10|K|52|9|k|50 ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D007079Ileitis is an inflammation of the ileum, a portion of the… … Wikipedia
ileítis — Inflamación crónica de una parte del intestino delgado o del intestino grueso (en rigor, del íleon). Una modalidad más seria, la ileítis regional (enfermedad de Crohn), afecta al intestino delgado y al grueso. Los síntomas de la ileítis son… … Enciclopedia Universal
ileitis — Inflammation of the ileum. backwash i. involvement of the terminal ileum by the inflammatory and ulcerative changes seen in chronic ulcerative colitis; distinguished from involvement of ileum and proximal … Medical dictionary
Ileitis — Entzündung des Krummdarms * * * Ileitis [zu Ileum] die, /... tiden, Entzündung des Krummdarms; Ileitis terminalis, Crohn Krankheit. * * * Ile|i|tis, die; , ...tiden (Med.): Entzündung des Ileums … Universal-Lexikon
ileitis — n. inflammation of the ileum (small intestine). It may be caused by Crohn s disease, tuberculosis, the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica, or typhoid or it may occur in association with ulcerative colitis (when it is known as backwash ileitis) … The new mediacal dictionary
ileitis — noun inflammation of the ileum • Hypernyms: ↑inflammation, ↑redness, ↑rubor * * * ileitis Path. (ɪliːˈaɪtɪs) [f. ile um + itis.] Inflammation of the ileum. in Mayne Expos. Lex … Useful english dictionary
ileítis terminal — f. gastrol. Enfermedad de Crohn. Medical Dictionary. 2011. ileítis terminal enfermedad de Crohn: inflamación de la … Diccionario médico