- infra dig
Etymology: short for Latin infra dignitatem
Date: 1824
being beneath one's dignity ; undignified <while his work…was financially profitable, it was just a bit infra dig — John McCarten>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
infra dig — [in΄frə dig′] n. [< L infra dig(nitatem)] Informal beneath one s dignity … English World dictionary
infra dig. — infra dig. 1824, colloquial abbreviation of L. infra dignitatem beneath the dignity of … Etymology dictionary
infra dig — ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ beneath one s dignity; demeaning. ORIGIN Latin infra dignitatem beneath dignity … English terms dictionary
infra dig — predic.adj. colloq. beneath one s dignity; unbecoming. Etymology: abbr. of L infra dignitatem * * * infra dig [ˌɪnfrə ˈdɪɡ] [ˌɪnfrə ˈdɪɡ] adjective not before noun ( … Useful english dictionary
infra dig — This Latin phrase, an abbreviation of infra dignitatem, means beneath one s dignity, undignified, and is pronounced IN frah DIG : The winner of the prize considered it infra dig to accept it … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
infra dig — (IN frah DIG) [Latin: a shortened form of infra dignitatem] Beneath one’s dignity. So even if the Great Analyzer would have found a laying on of hands infra dig, he could at least have prescribed the new home remedy and found out if it… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
infra dig — adjective (not before noun) informal BrE below the standard of social behaviour that is suitable for a person of your class or rank: It s a bit infra dig for her to wear jeans on such a formal occasion … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
infra dig — /in freuh dig / beneath one s dignity. [1815 25; < L infra dignitatem] * * * … Universalium
infra dig — in•fra dig [[t]ˈɪn frə ˈdɪg[/t]] adj. fot beneath one s dignity • Etymology: 1815–25; < L infrā dignitātem … From formal English to slang
infra dig — /ɪnfrə ˈdɪg/ (say infruh dig) adjective Colloquial beneath one s dignity. {abbreviation Latin infrā dignitātem} …