- Mantoux test
- noun Etymology: Charles Mantoux died 1947 French physician Date: circa 1923 an intradermal test for hypersensitivity to tuberculin that indicates past or present infection with tubercle bacilli
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Mantoux test — prop. n. (Med.) A skin test for hypersensitivity to tuberculin. It determines whether there is or has been any infection with tubercle bacilli. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mantoux test — [man to͞o′, man′to͞o΄] n. [after C. Mantoux (1877 1947), Fr physician] a test for present or past tuberculosis, in which a small amount of protein from tuberculosis bacteria is injected into the skin … English World dictionary
Mantoux test — The Mantoux skin test consists of an intradermal injection of exactly one tenth of a milliliter (mL) of PPD tuberculin … Wikipedia
Mantoux-Test — Ein Tuberkulintest ist ein Hauttest mit Tuberkulin, einem Präparat, das aus flüssigen Mykobakterien Kulturen filtriert wird. Tuberkulin ruft beim Einbringen in die Haut eine Reaktion mit sensibilisierten T Lymphozyten hervor, die bei Kontakt mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mantoux test — Test for tuberculin reactivity in which tuberculin PPD (purified protein derivative) is injected intracutaneously. The injection site is examined after 2 3 days, a positive reaction, indicating current or previous infection with Mycobacterium… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Mantoux test — Man·toux test .man .tü , .män n an intradermal test for hypersensitivity to tuberculin that indicates past or present infection with tubercle bacilli see TUBERCULIN TEST Man·toux män tü Charles (1877 1947) French physician. Mantoux introduced his … Medical dictionary
Mantoux test — [ mɒMantoux testtu:, mantu:] noun Medicine a skin test for immunity to tuberculosis using the injection of tuberculin. Origin 1930s: named after the French physician Charles Mantoux … English new terms dictionary
Mantoux test — Man•toux′ test [[t]mænˈtu, mɑ̃ , ˈmæn tu[/t]] n. med a test for tuberculosis in which a hypersensitive reaction to an intracutaneous injection of tuberculin indicates a previous or current infection • Etymology: after C. Mantoux (1877–1947),… … From formal English to slang
Mantoux test — /mænˈtu tɛst/ (say man tooh test), /ˈmæntu/ (say mantooh) noun a test to detect past and present tuberculosis infection, by injecting diluted tuberculin. {named after Charles Mantoux, 1877–1947, French physician} …
Mantoux test — /man tooh , man tooh/; Fr. /mahonn tooh /, Med. a test for tuberculosis in which a hypersensitive reaction to an intracutaneous injection of tuberculin indicates a previous or current infection. [1930 35; named after C. Mantoux (1877 1947),… … Universalium