- Mickey Finn
- noun Etymology: probably from Mickey (Michael) Finnish fl1903 American saloon keeper who allegedly drugged his customers Date: 1928 a drink of liquor doctored with a purgative or a drug
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Mickey Finn — (eigentlich Michael Norman Finn; * 3. Juni 1947 in Thornton Heath, Surrey; † 11. Januar 2003 in Croydon, London) war von 1970 bis 1975 Perkussionist der britischen Glam Rock Band T. Rex … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mickey Finn — Datos generales Nombre real Michael Norman Finn Nacimiento … Wikipedia Español
Mickey Finn — may refer to: Mickey Finn (drugs), a drug laced drink Mickey Finn (comic strip), a long running comic strip Micky Finn (fiction), a fictional character and pseudonym of the 19th century writer Ernest Jarrold Mickey Finn (musician) (1947–2003),… … Wikipedia
Mickey Finn — ☆ Mickey Finn n. pl. Mickeys n. 〚< ?〛 [also m f ] Slang a drink of liquor to which a powerful narcotic or purgative has been added, given to an unsuspecting person: often shortened to Mickey or mickey n. Mickeys … Universalium
Mickey Finn — ☆ Mickey Finn n. pl. Mickeys n. [< ?] [also m f ] Slang a drink of liquor to which a powerful narcotic or purgative has been added, given to an unsuspecting person: often shortened to Mickey or mickey n. Mickeys … English World dictionary
Mickey Finn — mik ē fin n a drink of liquor doctored with a purgative or a drug … Medical dictionary
Mickey Finn — noun count VERY INFORMAL a drink with a drug in it, given secretly to someone to make them unconscious … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Mickey Finn — strong drink, drink laced with chloral hydrate, by 1928 (perhaps 1890s), of unknown origin. Presumably named after someone, but the various stories about the name cannot be substantiated … Etymology dictionary
Mickey Finn — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Personnalités Mickey Finn (en) (1938 2007) est un inventeur américain (armement et sports) Mickey Finn (1947 2003) est un percussi … Wikipédia en Français
Mickey (Finn) — 1. n. a drink containing chloral hydrate; a drink containing a fast acting laxative. □ He slipped her a Mickey Finn, but she switched glasses. □ Once you’ve had a Mickey, you’ll never forget it. 2. n. chloral hydrate as put in drinks to knock… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Mickey Finn — also: mickey n. (slang) a drink to which a strong drug or narcotic has been added to slip smb. a Mickey Finn * * * (slang) [ a drink to which a strong drug or narcotic has been added ] to slip smb. a Mickey Finn … Combinatory dictionary