MIDRASH — (Heb. מִדְרָשׁ), the designation of a particular genre of rabbinic literature containing anthologies and compilations of homilies, including both biblical exegesis (see hermeneutics ) and sermons delivered in public (see homiletics ) as well as… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MIDRASH — Terme dérivé de la racine dorash , qui signifie, en hébreu biblique, «rechercher», «examiner». Il acquiert à l’époque du second Temple le sens d’éducation et d’étude (cf. II Chron., XIII, 22). Il désigne une exégèse approfondie de l’Écriture, qui … Encyclopédie Universelle
Midrash — (מדרש; explicación , plural midrashim) es un término hebreo que designa un método de exégesis de un texto bíblico, dirigido al estudio o investigación que facilite la comprensión de la Torá. El término midrash también puede referirse a una… … Wikipedia Español
midrash — [mid′räsh] n. pl. midrashim [mid rä′shim] or midrashoth [mid rä′shōt] [Heb midrash, explanation] Judaism any of the rabbinical commentaries and explanatory notes on the Scriptures, written between the beginning of the Exile and c.A.D. 1200 1200… … English World dictionary
Midrash — Mid*rash , n.; pl. {Midrashim}, {Midrashoth}. [Heb., explanation.] A talmudic exposition of the Hebrew law, or of some part of it. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Midrash — Part of a series of articles on Jews and Judaism … Wikipedia
Midrash — Le Midrash ((he): מדרש; pluriel midrashim) est un terme hébreu désignant une méthode d exégèse herméneutique, comparative et homilétique, parmi les quatre méthodes réunies sous le nom de Pardès. Le terme midrash se réfère aussi à une compilation… … Wikipédia en Français
midrash — midrashic /mid rash ik/, adj. Seph. Heb. /mee drddahsh /; Ashk. Heb. /mi drddahsh/, n., pl. midrashim Seph. Heb. /mee drddah sheem /; Ashk. Heb. /mi drddaw shim/, midrashoth, midrashot, midrashos Seph. Heb. /mee drddah shawt /; Ashk. Heb. /mi… … Universalium
Midrash — noun a) A Rabbinic commentary on a text from the Hebrew Scripture. Midrash was not a purely intellectual pursuit and study was never an end in itself: it had to inspire practical action in the world. b) The Rabbinic technique or tradition of such … Wiktionary
MIDRASH — the earliest Hebrew exposition of the Old Testament; included the Halacha, or development of the legal system on Pentateuchal lines, and the Hagada, a commentary on the whole Scripture, with ethical, social, and religious applications. The… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
midrash — Early Jewish commentary on scripture. The purpose is to bring it up to date for readers of each generation; it is a kind of interpretation, and also a work of reconciliation explaining an original narrative by the insights of a later age. Thus,… … Dictionary of the Bible