- multilayered
- or multilayer adjective Date: 1923 having or involving several distinct layers, strata, or levels
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
multilayered — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
multilayered — mul·ti·lay·ered .məl ti lā ərd, le( ə)rd or mul·ti·lay·er lā ər, le( ə)r adj having or involving several distinct layers, strata, or levels <multilayered epidermis> <a multilayered personality> … Medical dictionary
multilayered — /mul tee lay euhrd, mul tuy , mul tee lay euhrd, mul tuy /, adj. 1. having two or more layers. 2. offering several viewpoints, solutions, degrees of complexity, etc.: the multilayered problem of urban development. Also, multilayer. [1930 35;… … Universalium
Multilayered Mapping of the Cap-Vert — Introduction Traditional mapping can represent only one surface and therefore implies a choice from the authors about the most pertinent information to highlight. For example, traditional geological maps, printed on paper, choose generally to… … Wikipedia
Multilayered architecture — A multilayered software architecture is using different layers for allocating the responsibilities of an application. There is also an architectural pattern that is named Layers and has been described in different publications, including the book … Wikipedia
multilayered structure — daugiasluoksnis darinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. multilayer structure; multilayered structure vok. Mehrschichtenstruktur, f; Vielschichtenstruktur, f rus. многослойная структура, f pranc. structure en couches multiples, f;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
multilayered cathode — daugiasluoksnis katodas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. multilayer cathode; multilayered cathode vok. vielschichtige Kathode, f; vielschichtige Katode, f rus. многослойный катод, m pranc. cathode à plusieurs couches, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
multilayered — adjective Having more than one layer … Wiktionary
multilayered — adj. having many layers, composed of multiple layers … English contemporary dictionary
multilayered — mul·ti·layered … English syllables