- abbreviation Etymology: Russian Narodnyĭ komissariat vnutrennikh del People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
NKVD — (НКВД) People s Ministry of Internal Affairs Народный комиссариат внутренних дел Narodnyy komissariat vnutrennikh del NKVD emblem … Wikipedia
NKVD — (НКВД) Comisariado del pueblo para asuntos internos Народный комиссариат внутренних дел Narodnyy komissariat vnutrennikh del Emblema del NKVD … Wikipedia Español
NKVD — var en forkortelse for det tidligere hemmelige sovjetiske politi. Organisationen var direkte underlagt Lavrentij Beria og Josef Stalin … Danske encyklopædi
NKVD — DEFINICIJA krat. pov. pol. ured vlade (ministarstvo) koji je rukovodio policijskim i obavještajnim službama SSSR a 1934 1946 (1918 1922. Čeka, 1922 1934. GPU, 1946 1953. MVD: Ministarstvo vnutrenjih djel); od 1953. iz ministarstva izdvojen KGB… … Hrvatski jezični portal
NKVD — (NARODNIY KOMMISSARIAT VNUTRENNIKH DEL) The People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, the NKVD, was formed on 10 July 1936 from the OGPU. It included all the organs of repression and intelligence of the Soviet government in one department, as … Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence
NKVD — Le NKVD (НКВД, abréviation du russe : Народный комиссариат внутренних дел, Narodnii komissariat vnoutrennikh diél, en français « Commissariat du peuple aux Affaires intérieures ») est la police politique[réf. nécessaire] de… … Wikipédia en Français
NKVD — Narodnyi Kommissariat Vnoutrennikh Dyel (Russe. En franc. = Commissariat du Peuple aux Affaires Intérieures). Créé en 1934 par lagoda, le NKVD succédait à la GPU. Il obtint très vite des pouvoirs exorbitants, à l intérieur comme à l extérieur de… … Sigles et Acronymes francais
NKVD — in the U.S.S.R., the government s secret police organization (1934 46). Cf. Cheka. [ < Russ N(aródnyi) K(omissariát) V(nútrennikh) D(el) People s Commissariat of Internal Affairs] * * * NKVD (no periods) or N.K.V.D., the secret police of the… … Useful english dictionary
NKVD special camps — (German: Speziallager) were NKVD run late and post World War II internment camps in the Soviet occupied parts of Germany and areas east of the Oder Neisse line. The short lived camps east of the line were subsequently transferred to the Soviet… … Wikipedia
NKVD troika — or Troika, in Soviet Union history, were commissions of three persons who convicted people without trial. These commissions were employed as an instrument of extrajudicial punishment introduced to circumvent the legal system with a means for… … Wikipedia
NKVD Order No. 00485 — NKVD Order № 00485 On liquidation of Polish sabotage and espionage groups and units of POW (Polish Military Organization, Polska Organizacja Wojskowa) ( О ликвидации польских диверсионно шпионских групп и организаций ПОВ ) approved on August 9,… … Wikipedia