- oogamous
- adjective Date: 1888 having or involving a small motile male gamete and a large immobile female gamete • oogamy noun
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
oogamous — [ō äg′ə məs] adj. 〚 OO + GAMOUS〛 characterized by the uniting of a large, nonmotile egg and a small, active sperm for reproduction oogamy [ō äg′əmē] n. * * * o·og·a·mous (ō ŏgʹə məs) adj. Characterized by or having small motile male gametes and… … Universalium
oogamous — [ō äg′ə məs] adj. [ OO + GAMOUS] characterized by the uniting of a large, nonmotile egg and a small, active sperm for reproduction oogamy [ō äg′əmē] n … English World dictionary
oogamous — oog·a·mous ō äg ə məs adj 1) characterized by fusion of a small actively motile male gamete and a large immobile female gamete 2) having oogamous reproduction oog·a·my mē n, pl mies … Medical dictionary
oogamous — [əʊ ɒgəməs] adjective Biology relating to or denoting reproduction by the union of mobile male and immobile female gametes. Derivatives oogamously adverb oogamy noun Origin C19: from oo + Gk gamos marriage + ous … English new terms dictionary
oogamous — oog·a·mous … English syllables
oogamous — adj. reproducing by the union of mobile male and immobile female cells. Derivatives: oogamy n … Useful english dictionary
oogamete — oogamous /oh og euh meuhs/, adj. oogamy, n. /oh euh gam eet, geuh meet /, n. Cell Biol. one of a pair of structurally dissimilar gametes, the female gamete being large and nonmotile and the male gamete being small and motile. [1890 95; OO +… … Universalium
Brown algae — Temporal range: 150–0 Ma[1][2] … Wikipedia
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
reproductive system, plant — Introduction any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. In plants, as in animals, the end result of reproduction is the continuation of a given species, and the ability to reproduce is, therefore, rather conservative … Universalium