- abbreviation price lookup
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
plu — plù interj. plast (suplasnojimui žymėti): Plù plù i palėkęs gaidalis Krtn. Kalakutai plu plu plu į egles KlvrŽ. Vanagas plu plu plu ir nulėkė Dr. Kalakutas plu plu plu sparnais plustena Šts. Žąsys papučia sparnus ir plu plu plu pasileidžia į… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
PLU — ist die Abkürzung für: Parallel Logic Unit, eine Bauart von Rechenwerken in Signalprozessoren PLU Code (price look up), eine Warenkennzeichnung, hauptsächlich für Obst Pampulha, den Flughafen Pampulha in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasilien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PLU — can stand for:* People Like Us , a British mockumentary * People Like Us (musician), the pseudonym of British musician Vicki Bennett *Pacific Lutheran University *the SIL code, a language code, for the Palauan language *Price Look Up numbers used … Wikipedia
plu — ⇒PLU, voir PLAIRE … Encyclopédie Universelle
plȕg — m 〈N mn plùgovi〉 1. {{001f}}a. {{001f}}poljoprivredna sprava za oranje zemlje b. {{001f}}zast. mjera za zemljišnu površinu; ral, ralo 2. {{001f}}sport način vožnje pri skijanju ⃞ {{001f}}(biti) deveti u ∼u biti suvišan, biti bez vrijednosti, ne… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
plȕs — m 1. {{001f}}〈N mn plùsevi〉 mat. a. {{001f}}znak za operaciju zbrajanja; više [dva ∼ dva dva više dva] b. {{001f}}predznak (+) pozitivnog broja, pozitivni predznak, obično se ne piše (za razliku od negativnoga) 2. {{001f}}〈indekl.〉 pri izricanju… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
plȕto — sr kora hrasta plutnjaka kao materijal (za izradu čepova i sl.); čepovina … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
plu|ri|ax|i|al — «PLUR ee AK see uhl», adjective. 1. having more than one axis. 2. Botany. having flowers growing on secondary shoots … Useful english dictionary
Plu|to|ni|an — «ploo TOH nee uhn», adjective. of or having to do with Pluto or the lower world: »He…from the door of that Plutonian hall, invisible ascended his high throne (Milton) … Useful english dictionary
plu|to|ni|um — «ploo TOH nee uhm», noun. a radioactive, metallic chemical element that is important in splitting the atom to produce atomic energy. It is produced artificially from uranium and found in minute quantities in pitchblende and other uranium ores.… … Useful english dictionary
Plu|to — «PLOO toh», noun. 1. Greek and Roman Mythology. a) the god of the region of the dead and husband of Proserpina (Persephone to the Greeks). Romans also called the god of the underworld Dis Pater. Pluto was almost identical to Hades, the Greek god… … Useful english dictionary