
noun Date: 1554 libertine 2 • rakehell or rakehelly adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Rakehell — Rake hell (r[=a]k h[e^]l ), n. [See {Rakel}.] A lewd, dissolute fellow; a debauchee; a rake. [1913 Webster] It seldom doth happen, in any way of life, that a sluggard and a rakehell do not go together. Barrow. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rakehell — Rake hell , Rakehelly Rake hell y (r[=a]k h[e^]l [y^]), a. Dissolute; wild; lewd; rakish. [Obs.] Spenser. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rakehell — (n.) 1540s, possibly an alteration (by association with rake (n.1) and Hell) of M.E. rakel (adj.) hasty, rash, headstrong, probably from raken to go, proceed, from O.E. racian, of unknown origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • rakehell — [rāk′hel΄] n. [prob. altered (< RAKE1 & HELL) < ME rakel, rash, wild] a dissolute, debauched man; rake adj. immoral; dissolute: also rakehelly …   English World dictionary

  • rakehell — noun a dissolute man in fashionable society • Syn: ↑rake, ↑profligate, ↑rip, ↑blood, ↑roue • Derivationally related forms: ↑profligate (for: ↑profligate) …   Useful english dictionary

  • rakehell — /rayk hel /, n. 1. a licentious or dissolute man; rake. adj. 2. Also, rakehelly /rayk hel ee/. dissolute; profligate. [1540 50; alter. by folk etym. (see RAKE1, HELL) of ME rakel (adj.) rash, rough, coarse, hasty (akin to RAKE4); cf. ON reikall… …   Universalium

  • rakehell — noun A lewd or wanton person …   Wiktionary

  • rakehell — rake·hell …   English syllables

  • rakehell — rake•hell [[t]ˈreɪkˌhɛl[/t]] n. 1) a licentious or dissolute man; rake 2) Also, rake′hell y. dissolute; profligate • Etymology: 1540–50; alter. by folk etym. (see rake I, hell) of ME rakel (adj.) rash, rough, coarse, hasty …   From formal English to slang

  • rakehell — /ˈreɪkhɛl/ (say raykhel) noun Obsolete a roué; a rake (rake2). {rake1 + hell; replacing Middle English rakel, rash, rough, coarse, hasty, from rake5} …  

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