scanning tunneling microscope
- scanning tunneling microscope
Date: 1983
a microscope that makes use of the phenomenon of tunneling electrons to map the positions of individual atoms in a surface or to move atoms around on a surface
• scanning tunneling microscopy noun
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scanning tunneling microscope — n. a type of electron microscope in which moving electrode scans an object with electrons tunneling over the surface to generate a three dimensional image that shows individual atoms … English World dictionary
Scanning tunneling microscope — Image of reconstruction on a clean Gold(100) surface … Wikipedia
scanning tunneling microscope — rastrinis tunelinis mikroskopas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. scanning tunneling microscope vok. Rastertunnelmikroskop, n rus. растровый туннельный микроскоп, m pranc. microscope tunnel à balayage, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
scanning tunneling microscope — STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) Сканирующий туннельный микроскоп Прибор для изучения поверхности твердых тел, основанный на сканировании острием (иглой), находящимся под потенциалом, поверхности образца, и одновременном измерении… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
scanning tunneling microscope — rastrinis tunelinis mikroskopas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mikroskopas, kuriuo matomą vaizdą sukuria tunelinė srovė, atsirandanti tarp zondo ir bandinio. atitikmenys: angl. scanning tunneling microscope rus. растровый туннельный… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
scanning tunneling microscope — noun : a microscope that makes use of the phenomenon of electron tunneling to map the positions of individual atoms in a surface or to move atoms around on a surface • scanning tunneling microscopy noun … Useful english dictionary
scanning tunneling microscope — A type of scanning probe microscope used to image a surface by moving a fine probe over it at a constant height, which is maintained by keeping a constant electron flow (tunneling current) between the tip and surface … Dictionary of microbiology
scanning tunneling microscope — a device that uses a moving needle and the tunnel effect to generate a maplike image of the atomic surface structure of matter, thereby achieving even greater magnification than the scanning electron microscope. * * * … Universalium
scanning tunneling microscope — scan′ning tun′neling mi croscope n. phs elo an electronic microscope that produces images of atomic structures by moving an extremely fine probe over the surface of a material abbr. : STM Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang
Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope — The electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope, or ESTM, was invented in 1988 by Kingo Itaya in Japan. With ESTM, the structures of surfaces and electrochemical reactions in solid liquid interfaces can be observed at atomic or molecular scales … Wikipedia