- semidominant
Date: 1942
producing an intermediate phenotype in the heterozygous condition <a semidominant gene>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
semidominant — semi·dom·i·nant däm (ə )nənt adj producing an intermediate phenotype in the heterozygous condition <a semidominant mutant gene> … Medical dictionary
semidominant — “+ noun Etymology: semi + dominant : a gene that has a different effect when heterozygous than when homozygous the yellow lethal gene of mice which mediates yellow coat color when heterozygous but causes death of the embryo when homozygous is a… … Useful english dictionary
semidominant — see codominant … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
semidominant — adj. (Genetics) partially dominant, producing a trait that is intermediate to two different inherited traits (in heterozygotes) … English contemporary dictionary
semidominant — semi·dominant … English syllables
GDI1 — GDP dissociation inhibitor 1, also known as GDI1, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = GDP dissociation inhibitors are proteins that regulate the GDP GTP exchange reaction of members of the rab family, small GTP binding… … Wikipedia
History and naming of human leukocyte antigens — In these instances, the A1/A2, A2/A3, A1/A3 are matched, decreasing the probability of a rejection because many are linked to a given haplotype. Occasionally the recombinant A1 Cw7 B7(rare), B7 becomes the alloantigen in a recipient with A1 Cw7… … Wikipedia
Fischschuppenkrankheit — Ichthyose (altgriechisch ιχθύς, ichthýs, Fisch), synonym die international verwendete Bezeichnung Ichthyosis, ist ein Sammelbegriff für Verhornungsstörungen der Haut, die meist durch Gendefekte verursacht werden. Ichthyosen sind nicht ansteckend … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ichthyose — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 Q80. Ichthyosis congenita Q80.0 Ichthyosis vulgaris Q80.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ichthyosis — Ichthyose (altgriechisch ιχθύς, ichthýs, Fisch), synonym die international verwendete Bezeichnung Ichthyosis, ist ein Sammelbegriff für Verhornungsstörungen der Haut, die meist durch Gendefekte verursacht werden. Ichthyosen sind nicht ansteckend … Deutsch Wikipedia