swell box

swell box
noun Date: circa 1801 a chamber in an organ containing a set of pipes and having shutters that open or shut to regulate the volume of tone

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • swell box — n. a chamber enclosing one or more sets of organ pipes or reeds and fitted with movable shutters that regulate the loudness of tone …   English World dictionary

  • swell box — noun : a box or chamber in an organ that contains the reeds or a set of pipes and has shutters that open or shut usually by means of a pedal in order to regulate the volume of musical tone * * * a chamber containing a set of pipes in a pipe organ …   Useful english dictionary

  • swell box — noun A box or chamber in an organ that contains the reeds or a set of pipes and has shutters that open or shut usually by means of a pedal in order to regulate the volume of musical tone …   Wiktionary

  • swell box — /ˈswɛl bɒks/ (say swel boks) noun a box or chamber containing a set of pipes in a pipe organ or of reeds in a reed organ, and having movable slats or shutters which can be opened or closed to increase or diminish the loudness of the notes …  

  • swell box — a chamber containing a set of pipes in a pipe organ or of reeds in a reed organ, and having movable slats or shutters that can be opened or closed to increase or diminish tonal volume. [1795 1805] * * * …   Universalium

  • swell box — noun a part of a large organ in which some of the pipes are enclosed, with a movable shutter for controlling the sound level …   English new terms dictionary

  • Swell — could refer to: *Swell (ocean), a formation of long wavelength ocean surface waves *Swell (band), an indie rock band from San Francisco *Swell, Gloucestershire, England *Swell (bookbinding), a term in bookbinding *Swellshark, a catshark * Swell… …   Wikipedia

  • swell — v., n., & adj. v. (past part. swollen or swelled) 1 intr. & tr. grow or cause to grow bigger or louder or more intense; expand; increase in force or intensity. 2 intr. (often foll. by up) & tr. rise or raise up from the surrounding surface. 3… …   Useful english dictionary

  • swell pedal — noun : a pedal that operates an organ swell usually by working a balanced lever mechanism that opens or shuts the louvers of the swell box …   Useful english dictionary

  • swell organ — noun a division in a pipe organ in which the pipes are enclosed in a swell box …   Wiktionary

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