
biographical name Willa Sibert 1873-1947 American novelist

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • CATHER (W.) — CATHER WILLA (1873 1947) Tout commence un jour de mars 1883. Willa Cather a neuf ans. Sa famille, des fermiers de lointaine ascendance irlandaise installés en Virginie depuis l’époque coloniale, traverse des temps difficiles; la compagnie de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cather —   [ kæȓə], Willa Sibert, amerikanische Schriftstellerin, * Winchester (Virginia) 7. 12. 1876, ✝ New York 24. 4. 1947. In Nebraska aufgewachsen, ist sie von der Realität des Mittelwestens, der »Frontier« und der Immigranten (v. a. Skandinavier und …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Cather — [kath′ər] Willa (Sibert) [wil′ə] 1873 1947; U.S. writer …   English World dictionary

  • Cather — Willa Cather. Willa Sibert Cather (* 7. Dezember 1873 bei Winchester, Virginia; † 24. April 1947 in New York City) war eine US amerikanische Schriftstellerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cather — noun United States writer who wrote about frontier life (1873 1947) • Syn: ↑Willa Cather, ↑Willa Sibert Cather • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cather, Willa — orig. Wilella Sibert Cather born Dec. 7, 1873, near Winchester, Va., U.S. died April 24, 1947, New York, N.Y. U.S. novelist. Cather moved with her family to Nebraska at age 9; she returned east 12 years later, eventually settling in New York. The …   Universalium

  • Cather, Willa — orig. Wilella Sibert Cather (7 dic. 1873, cerca de Winchester, Va., EE.UU.–24 abr. 1947, Nueva York, N.Y.). Novelista estadounidense. Se trasladó a Nebraska con su familia a los nueve años; regresó al este 12 años más tarde y finalmente se… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Cather — /kadh euhr/ or, often, /kath /, n. Willa (Sibert) /wil euh see beuhrt/, 1876 1947, U.S. novelist. * * * …   Universalium

  • Cather — Cath|er, Wil|la (1876 1947), a US writer who grew up in Nebraska at the time when Europeans first went to live there. Her books include O! Pioneers and My Antonia …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Cather — Cath•er [[t]ˈkæð ər[/t]] often [[t]ˈkæθ [/t]] n. big Willa (Sibert), 1876–1947, U.S. novelist …   From formal English to slang

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