- Tombigbee
- geographical name river NE Mississippi & W Alabama flowing S to Mobile & Tensaw rivers
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Tombigbee — [täm big′bē] [< Choctaw, coffin maker < itombi, box, coffin + ikbi, maker: referring to burial boxes used by Choctaws] river flowing from NE Miss. through Ala., joining the Alabama River to form the Mobile River: 409 mi (658 km) … English World dictionary
Tombigbee — Sp Tombigbis Ap Tombigbee L u. JAV (Alabama) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Tombigbee — noun a river that rises in northeastern Mississippi and flows southward through western Alabama to join the Alabama River and form the Mobile River • Syn: ↑Tombigbee River • Instance Hypernyms: ↑river • Part Holonyms: ↑Mississippi, ↑Magnolia… … Useful english dictionary
Tombigbee (rivière) — Tombigbee La rivière près du barrage de Coffeeville Localisation de la rivière … Wikipédia en Français
Tombigbee State Park — is a state park in the U.S. state of Mississippi. It is located off Mississippi Highway 6 south of Tupelo. It is named after the nearby Tombigbee River.The park is located at coord|34|14|07|N|88|37|24|W| GR|3.ee also*List of Mississippi state… … Wikipedia
Tombigbee National Forest — is a U.S. National Forest in eastern and northeastern Mississippi. It is named for the nearby Tombigbee River. It is divided geographically into two non contiguous sections. The larger southern section, about 60% of the total acreage, is located… … Wikipedia
Tombigbee moccasinshell — Conservation status Extinct (IUCN 2.3) Scientific classification Kingdo … Wikipedia
Tombigbee River — (Tombeckbee, Bigbee), Fluß in Nordamerika, entspringt in der Grafschaft Tishemingo im äußersten Nordosten des Staates Mississippi, fließt südlich nach der Grafschaft Columbus, wendet sich dann östlich nach dem Staat Alabama, durchströmt diesen in … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tombigbee River — (spr. tombiggbi riwwer), Fluß in der nordamerikan. Union, entsteht im NO. des Staates Mississippi aus dem East und West Fork, wird bei Columbus (670 km oberhalb Mobile) für Dampfer schiffbar, tritt bald darauf nach Alabama über, nimmt hier links… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Tombigbee River — The Tombigbee River is a tributary of the Mobile River, approximately 400 mi (644 km) long, in the U.S. states of Mississippi and Alabama. It is one of two major rivers, along with the Alabama River, that unite to form the short Mobile River… … Wikipedia
Tombigbee River — River, Alabama, U.S. Formed by the confluence of the river s eastern and western forks near Amory, Miss. , it crosses the Alabama border western of Carrollton and flows south nearly 400 mi (650 km) to join the Alabama River and form the Mobile… … Universalium