
I. transitive verb Date: 1732 to make chowder of II. noun Etymology: French chaudière kettle, contents of a kettle, from Late Latin caldaria — more at cauldron Date: 1751 a soup or stew of seafood (as clams or fish) usually made with milk or tomatoes, salt pork, onions, and other vegetables (as potatoes); also a soup resembling chowder <
corn chowder

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Chowder — Titre de la série Chowder. Titre original Chowder Genre Série d animation, comédie satirique, Créateur(s) C.H. Greenblat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Chowder — puede referirse a: Chowder, una variedad de sopas. Chowder, una serie de televisión creada por Cartoon Network. Chowder, Personaje de la pelicula Monster House Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título …   Wikipedia Español

  • Chowder — Chow der (chou d[ e]r), n. [F. chaudi[ e]re a kettle, a pot. Cf. {Caldron}.] 1. (Cookery) A dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, onions, etc., stewed together. [1913 Webster] 2. A seller of fish. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chowder — Chow der, v. t. To make a chowder of. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chowder — 1751, apparently named for the pot it was cooked in: Fr. chaudière a pot (12c.), from L.L. caldaria (see CALDRON (Cf. caldron)). The word and the practice introduced in Newfoundland by Breton fishermen, and spreading thence to New England. The… …   Etymology dictionary

  • chowder — ☆ chowder [chou′dər ] n. [Fr chaudière, a pot < LL caldaria: see CALDRON] a thick soup made variously, but usually containing onions, potatoes, and salt pork, sometimes corn, tomatoes, or other vegetables, and often, specif., clams or fish and …   English World dictionary

  • Chowder — This article is about the soup. For other uses, see Chowder (disambiguation). New England clam chowder …   Wikipedia

  • Chowder — New England Clam chowder Chowder ist eine amerikanische Bezeichnung für eine dickflüssige Fischsuppe oder eine Suppe mit Muscheln oder anderen Meeresfrüchten, wobei Clam chowder die bekannteste ist. Mittlerweile wird chowder auch als Oberbegriff… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • chowder — /chow deuhr/, n. a thick soup or stew made of clams, fish, or vegetables, with potatoes, onions, and other ingredients and seasonings. [1735 45, Amer.; < F chaudière pot, kettle < LL caldaria CAULDRON] * * * ▪ food  in North American cuisine,… …   Universalium

  • chowder — n. (AE) clam; corn; fish chowder * * * [ tʃaʊdə] corn fish chowder (AE) clam …   Combinatory dictionary

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