
I. noun Etymology: Middle English scutel, from Latin scutella drinking bowl, tray, diminutive of scutra platter Date: 15th century 1. a shallow open basket for carrying something (as grain or garden produce) 2. a metal pail that usually has a bail and a sloped lip and is used especially for carrying coal II. noun Etymology: Middle English skottell lid of a scuttle Date: 15th century 1. a small opening in a wall or roof furnished with a lid: as a. a small opening or hatchway in the deck of a ship large enough to admit a person and with a lid for covering it b. a small hole in the side or bottom of a ship fitted with a covering or glazed 2. a covering that closes a scuttle III. transitive verb (scuttled; scuttling) Date: 1642 1. to cut a hole through the bottom, deck, or side of (a ship); specifically to sink or attempt to sink by making holes through the bottom 2. destroy, wreck; also scrap 2 IV. noun Etymology: perhaps blend of scud and shuttle Date: 1623 1. a quick shuffling pace 2. a short swift run V. intransitive verb (scuttled; scuttling) Date: 1657 scurry

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Scuttle — Ein paar Einträge in einer Scuttle Installation Basisdaten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Scuttle — may refer to:*Scuttling, deliberately sinking a ship by allowing water in *Coal scuttle, a bucket like container for coal *Shaving scuttle, a teapot like container for hot water *Scuttle, a fictional character in Disney s The Little Mermaid… …   Wikipedia

  • scuttle — {vb Scuttle, scurry, scamper, skedaddle, sprint are comparable when they mean to move briskly by or as if by running. Scuttle, scurry, and scamper all imply a rapid erratic progress of or as if of a small active animal but each may carry quite… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Scuttle — Scut tle (sk[u^]t t l), n. [OF. escoutille, F. [ e]scoutille, cf. Sp. escotilla; probably akin to Sp. escotar to cut a thing so as to make it fit, to hollow a garment about the neck, perhaps originally, to cut a bosom shaped piece out, and of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scuttle — Ⅰ. scuttle [1] ► NOUN 1) a lidded metal container with a handle, used to store coal for a domestic fire. 2) Brit. the part of a car s bodywork between the windscreen and the bonnet. ORIGIN Latin scutella dish . Ⅱ. scuttle [2] …   English terms dictionary

  • Scuttle — Scut tle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scuttled} (sk[u^]t t ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Scuttling}.] 1. To cut a hole or holes through the bottom, deck, or sides of (as of a ship), for any purpose. [1913 Webster] 2. To sink by making holes through the bottom… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scuttle — scuttle1 [skut′ l] n. [ME scutel, a dish < OE < L scutella, salver, dim. of scutra, flat dish] 1. a broad, open basket for carrying grain, vegetables, etc. 2. a kind of bucket, usually with a wide lip, used for pouring coal on a fire: in… …   English World dictionary

  • Scuttle — Scut tle, n. [AS. scutel a dish, platter; cf. Icel. skutill; both fr. L. scutella, dim. of scutra, scuta, a dish or platter; cf. scutum a shield. Cf. {Skillet}.] 1. A broad, shallow basket. [1913 Webster] 2. A wide mouthed vessel for holding coal …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scuttle — Scut tle, v. i. [For scuddle, fr. scud.] To run with affected precipitation; to hurry; to bustle; to scuddle. [1913 Webster] With the first dawn of day, old Janet was scuttling about the house to wake the baron. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scuttle — Scut tle, n. A quick pace; a short run. Spectator. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scuttle — [[t]skʌ̱t(ə)l[/t]] scuttles, scuttling, scuttled 1) VERB When people or small animals scuttle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps. [V adv/prep] Two very small children scuttled away in front of them... [V adv/prep] Crabs scuttle… …   English dictionary

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