
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stefn, stemn stem of a plant or ship; akin to Old High German stam plant stem and probably to Greek stamnos wine jar, histanai to set — more at stand Date: before 12th century 1. a. the main trunk of a plant; specifically a primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead of roots b. a plant part (as a branch, petiole, or stipe) that supports another (as a leaf or fruit) c. the complete fruiting stalk of a banana plant with its bananas 2. a. the main upright member at the bow of a ship b. the bow or prow of a ship — compare stern 3. a line of ancestry ; stock; especially a fundamental line from which others have arisen 4. the part of an inflected word that remains after the inflected part is removed <
strength is the stem of strengths
; also root 6 5. something held to resemble a plant stem: as a. a main or heavy stroke of a letter b. the short perpendicular line extending from the head of a musical note c. the part of a tobacco pipe from the bowl outward d. the cylindrical support of a piece of stemware (as a goblet) e. a shaft of a watch used for winding II. transitive verb (stemmed; stemming) Etymology: Middle English (Scots) stemmen to keep a course, from 1stem (of a ship) Date: 1593 1. to make headway against (as an adverse tide, current, or wind) 2. to check or go counter to (something adverse) • stemmer noun III. verb (stemmed; stemming) Etymology: 1stem (of a plant) Date: 1724 transitive verb 1. to remove the stem from 2. to make stems for (as artificial flowers) intransitive verb to occur or develop as a consequence ; have or trace an origin <
her success stems from hard work
Synonyms: see springstemmer noun IV. verb (stemmed; stemming) Etymology: Middle English stemmen to dam up, from Old Norse stemma; akin to Middle High German stemmen to dam up and probably to Lithuanian stumti to shove Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to stop or dam up (as a river) b. to stop or check by or as if by damming; especially stanch <
stem a flow of blood
2. to turn (a ski) in stemming intransitive verb 1. to restrain or check oneself; also to become checked or stanched 2. to slide the heel of one ski or of both skis outward usually in making or preparing to make a turn V. noun Date: 1700 1. check, dam 2. an act or instance of stemming on skis

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • stem — stem …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Stem — (st[e^]m), n. [AS. stemn, stefn, st[ae]fn; akin to OS. stamn the stem of a ship, D. stam stem, steven stem of a ship, G. stamm stem, steven stem of a ship, Icel. stafn, stamn, stem of a ship, stofn, stomn, stem, Sw. stam a tree trunk, Dan. stamme …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stem — [ stɛm ] n. m. VAR. stemm • 1934, 1924; mot norv. ♦ Ski Virage accompli en ouvrant le ski aval et en le rapprochant à la sortie de la courbe. ● stem ou stemm nom masculin (norvégien stemm) À ski, virage basé sur le transfert du poids du corps d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Stem — may also refer to:* a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) or Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) * STEM fields, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, collectively considered core technological underpinnings… …   Wikipedia

  • stem — stem1 [stem] n. [ME < OE stemn, stefn, akin to Ger stamm, tree trunk < IE base * stebh , post, pole > STEP, STAFF1] 1. the main upward growing axis of a plant, having nodes and bearing leaves, usually extending in a direction opposite to …   English World dictionary

  • Stem — Stem, v. t. 1. To remove the stem or stems from; as, to stem cherries; to remove the stem and its appendages (ribs and veins) from; as, to stem tobacco leaves. [1913 Webster] 2. To ram, as clay, into a blasting hole. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stem — Stem, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stemmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Stemming}.] [Either from stem, n., or akin to stammer; cf. G. stemmen to press against.] To oppose or cut with, or as with, the stem of a vessel; to resist, or make progress against; to stop… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • STEM — (sigle de « science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ») est un américanisme désignant quatre disciplines : science, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques. En 2011, selon l’United States National Research Council et le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • stem — s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  STEM s.n. (mar.) Acord de angajare a unei nave prin care armatorul se obligă să efectueze transportul, se hotărăsc data şi locul încărcării, cantitatea de încărcat rămânând… …   Dicționar Român

  • stem — Ⅰ. stem [1] ► NOUN 1) the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub. 2) the stalk supporting a fruit, flower, or leaf. 3) a long, thin supportive or main section of something, such as that of a wine glass or tobacco pipe. 4) a rod or cylinder in a… …   English terms dictionary

  • Stem — (nl. ‚Stimme‘) steht für: eine niederländische Tageszeitung, siehe BN/De Stem die ehemalige südafrikanische Nationalhymne, siehe Die Stem van Suid Afrika STEM ist die Abkürzung für: Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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