Add to

  • 101add up — {v.} 1. To come to the correct amount. * /The numbers wouldn t add up./ 2. {informal} To make sense; be understandable. * /His story didn t add up./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 102add — verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin addere, from ad + dere to put more at do Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to join or unite so as to bring about an increase or improvement < adds 60 acres to his lan …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 103add-in — adjective Date: 1980 being or able to be added to and enclosed within an existing system (as a computer) < an add in graphics board > • add in noun …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 104add up — Date: 1850 intransitive verb 1. a. to come to the expected total < the bill doesn t add up > b. to form an intelligible pattern ; make sense < her story just doesn t add up > 2 …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 105Add-on — Un Add on se entiende, del inglés, como una extensión o añadidura puede referirse a: Expansión (videojuegos), una adición a un juego existente de rol (RPG), juego de mesa o videojuego. Extensión (Mozilla), una mejora instalable para los proyectos …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 106add up — verb a) To take a sum. Add up the prices and find out how much it will cost. b) To accumulate; to amount to. If you can save even a couple of dollars per day, it will add up to a lot over a year …


  • 107add. — Abbreviation for L. a., add; L. addantur, let them be added; addendus, to be added; and addendo, by adding. * * * [L.] adґde (add); addaґtur (let there be added) …

    Medical dictionary

  • 108add in — UK US add in Phrasal Verb with add({{}}/æd/ verb [T] ► to include something as part of something else: »A loan for $100 could carry annual interest rates of 50% once fees are added in …

    Financial and business terms

  • 109add up — UK US add up Phrasal Verb with add({{}}/æd/ verb [T] ► [T] to calculate the total of two or more prices, numbers, etc.: »He quickly added up the figures in his head. ► [I] to gradually increase until there is a large total: »The fees were adding&#8230; …

    Financial and business terms

  • 110add up — phr verb Add up is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑figure Add up is used with these nouns as the object: ↑figure, ↑takings …

    Collocations dictionary