1Builder — can mean any of the following: *General contractor or Subcontractor that specializes in building work *Construction worker who specializes in building work *Builders Energy, an oil and gas services company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.… …
2builder — build‧er [ˈbɪldə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. PROPERTY JOBS a person or company that builds or repairs buildings: • He called in a local firm of builders. ˌcowboy ˈbuilder informal P …
3Builder — (englisch für „Erbauer“) steht für: Builder (Entwurfsmuster), ein Entwurfsmuster in der Software Entwicklung Builder (Chemie), Inhaltsstoffe von Waschmitteln Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer m …
4Builder — Build er, n. One who builds; one whose occupation is to build, as a carpenter, a shipwright, or a mason. [1913 Webster] In the practice of civil architecture, the builder comes between the architect who designs the work and the artisans who… …
5builder — index architect, contractor, developer, materialman Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
6builder — late 13c., agent noun from BUILD (Cf. build) …
7builder — [n] construction worker architect, artisan, constructor, contractor, craftsperson, erector, fabricator, framer, inventor, maker, manufacturer, mason, originator, producer; concept 348 Ant. wrecker …
8builder — [bil′dər] n. 1. a person or animal that builds 2. a person in the business of constructing buildings 3. an ingredient added to a soap or a detergent to increase its effectiveness …
9Builder — Buil|der [ bɪldə[r]; engl. builder = Füllstoff], der; s, : in Waschmitteln als Gerüststoffe u. Verstärker eingesetzte Stoffe, z. B. Polyphosphate oder Zeolithe u. a. Natriumaluminiumsilicate, Nitrilotriessigsäure, Polycarboxylate, Soda. * * *… …
10builder — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good, master, reputable ▪ self employed (BrE) ▪ local ▪ We got a local builder to do the work for us. ▪ …