Cut with a sickle

  • 71de|fal´ca|tor — de|fal|cate «dih FAL kayt, FL », intransitive verb, cat|ed, cat|ing. to steal or misuse money entrusted to one s care: »The collector defalcated with the rents. ╂[< Medieval Latin defalcare (with English ate1) (literally) to cut off with a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 72de|fal|cate — «dih FAL kayt, FL », intransitive verb, cat|ed, cat|ing. to steal or misuse money entrusted to one s care: »The collector defalcated with the rents. ╂[< Medieval Latin defalcare (with English ate1) (literally) to cut off with a sickle <… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 73mow — mow1 [mō] vt., vi. mowed, mowed or mown, mowing [ME mowen < OE mawan, akin to Ger mähen < IE base * mē , *met > L metere, to mow] 1. to cut down (standing grass or grain) with a sickle, scythe, lawn mower, etc. 2. to cut grass or grain… …

    English World dictionary

  • 74Cradle (grain) — A reaper with a cradle scythe; original painting by Ernst Henseler (1852–1940) A cradle (also called cradle scythe, or grain cradle) is an agricultural tool, a form of the scythe, used to reap grain. It is a scythe with an arrangement of fingers… …


  • 75Minoan civilization — Map of Minoan Crete History of Greece …


  • 76Austro-Hungarian Monarchy —     The Austro Hungarian Monarchy     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Austro Hungarian Monarchy     By this name is designated the European monarchy whose dominions have for their main life distributing artery the River Danube, in its course from… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 77Scarborough Fair — is a traditional English fair, as well as a traditional English ballad.The fairDuring the late Middle Ages the seaside resort of Scarborough was an important venue for tradesmen from all over England. It was host to a huge 45 day trading event,… …


  • 78Ranger School — For the New York forestry school, see New York State Ranger School. Ranger shoulder tab The United States Army Ranger School is an intense 61 day combat leadership course oriented towards small unit tactics. It has been called the toughest combat …


  • 79Stephen Bartlett Lakeman — Nickname Mazar Paşa Born 1823 …


  • 80fauchard — /foh shahr /; Fr. /foh shannrdd /, n., pl. fauchards / shahrz /; Fr. / shannrdd /. a shafted weapon having a knifelike blade with a convex cutting edge and a beak on the back for catching the blade of an aggressor s weapon. [ < F; OF fauchart,&#8230; …
