Go unrestrainedly

  • 101sick as a dog — (informal) Vomiting profusely and unrestrainedly • • • Main Entry: ↑sick * * * I (as) sick as a dog see sick I II (as) sick as a dog …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 102have it large — (informal) To enjoy oneself unrestrainedly or boisterously ● large * * * give/have it ˈlarge idiom (BrE, slang) to enjoy yourself, especially by dancing and drinking alcohol Main entr …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 103fu´ri|ous|ness — fu|ri|ous «FYUR ee uhs», adjective. 1. full of wild, fierce anger; frantic: »The owner of the house was furious when he learned of the broken window. SYNONYM(S): mad, enraged. 2. violent, raging: »A hurricane is a furious storm. SYNONYM(S):… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 104fu´ri|ous|ly — fu|ri|ous «FYUR ee uhs», adjective. 1. full of wild, fierce anger; frantic: »The owner of the house was furious when he learned of the broken window. SYNONYM(S): mad, enraged. 2. violent, raging: »A hurricane is a furious storm. SYNONYM(S):… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 105fu|ri|ous — «FYUR ee uhs», adjective. 1. full of wild, fierce anger; frantic: »The owner of the house was furious when he learned of the broken window. SYNONYM(S): mad, enraged. 2. violent, raging: »A hurricane is a furious storm. SYNONYM(S): tempestuous,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 106- one's head off — talk, laugh, etc., unrestrainedly he was drunk as a skunk and singing his head off …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 107ZOHAR — (Heb. זֹהַר; (The Book of) Splendor ), the central work in the literature of the kabbalah . Introduction In some parts of the book the name Zohar is mentioned as the title of the work. It is also cited by the Spanish kabbalists under other names …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism