Infinite number
1Infinite monkey theorem in popular culture — The infinite monkey theorem and its associated imagery is considered a popular and proverbial illustration of the mathematics of probability, widely known to the general public because of its transmission through popular culture rather than… …
2Number — For other uses, see Numbers (disambiguation). A number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. In mathematics, the definition of number has been extended over the years to include such numbers as zero, negative numbers, rational… …
3Infinite monkey theorem — Not to be confused with Hundredth monkey effect. Given enough time, a hypothetical monkey typing at random would, as part of its output, almost surely produce all of Shakespeare s plays. In this image a chimpanzee is giving it a try. The infinite …
4Infinite set — In set theory, an infinite set is a set that is not a finite set. Infinite sets may be countable or uncountable. Some examples are: * the set of all integers, {..., 1, 0, 1, 2, ...}, is a countably infinite set; and * the set of all real numbers… …
5Infinite divisibility — The concept of infinite divisibility arises in different ways in philosophy, physics, economics, order theory (a branch of mathematics), and probability theory (also a branch of mathematics). One may speak of infinite divisibility, or the lack… …
6number game — Introduction any of various puzzles and games that involve aspects of mathematics. Mathematical recreations comprise puzzles and games that vary from naive amusements to sophisticated problems, some of which have never been solved.… …
7infinite series — Math. a sequence of numbers in which an infinite number of terms are added successively in a given pattern; the sequence of partial sums of a given sequence. [1790 1800] * * * In mathematics, the sum of infinitely many numbers, whose relationship …
8infinite — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English infinit, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French, from Latin infinitus, from in + finitus finite Date: 14th century 1. extending indefinitely ; endless < infinite space > 2. immeasurably or inconceivably… …
9Infinite divisibility (probability) — In probability theory, to say that a probability distribution F on the real line is infinitely divisible means that if X is any random variable whose distribution is F , then for every positive integer n there exist n independent identically… …
10infinite — 01. He gets [infinite] pleasure from playing with his children. 02. Bella will be a wonderful kindergarten teacher. She seems to have an [infinite] amount of patience with children, and is very loving. 03. The field of wild flowers showed a… …