Keep it up

  • 61keep up — {v.} 1a. To go on; not stop; continue. * /The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded./ Compare: KEEP ON. 1b. To go on with (something); continue steadily; never stop. * /Mrs. Smith told John to keep up the good work./ * /The teacher …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 62keep up — {v.} 1a. To go on; not stop; continue. * /The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded./ Compare: KEEP ON. 1b. To go on with (something); continue steadily; never stop. * /Mrs. Smith told John to keep up the good work./ * /The teacher …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 63keep on — Synonyms and related words: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, continue to be, defeat time, defy time, drag on, dwell, endure, exist, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold out, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep at, keep at it, keep… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 64keep\ up — v 1a. To go on; not stop; continue. The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded. Compare: keep on 1b. to go on with something, continue steadily; never stop. Mrs. Smith told John to keep up the good work. The teacher asked Dick to… …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 65keep to — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you keep to a rule, plan, or agreement, you do exactly what you are expected or supposed to do. [V P n] You ve got to keep to the speed limit... [V P n] He had been unable to keep to his schedule. Syn: stick to 2) PHRASAL VERB… …

    English dictionary

  • 66keep up — Ⅰ. UK US keep up (with sb/sth) Phrasal Verb with keep({{}}/kiːp/ verb (kept, kept) ► to do something or move at an acceptable rate, or at the same rate as someone or something else: »It s a fast pace, and you ll have to work hard to keep up.… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 67keep at it — Synonyms and related words: carry on, continue, endure, get along, get on, go on, go on with, hang in, hang tough, keep at, keep busy, keep driving, keep going, keep moving, keep on, keep trying, keep up, last, make out, manage, never say die,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 68keep up — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To keep in repair] Syn. maintain, sustain, care for, safeguard; see maintain 3 . 2. [To continue] Syn. persist, persevere, carry on; see continue 1 . 3. [To maintain the pace] Syn. keep pace, keep step, keep abreast, keep up …

    English dictionary for students

  • 69keep — see why keep a dog and bark yourself? keep a thing seven years and you’ll always find a use for it keep no more cats than will catch mice keep your own fish guts for your own sea maws keep your shop and your shop will keep you …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 70Keep — Recorded as atte Keep, de Keep, Keep, Kepe, and Keepe, this interesting surname is of early medieval English origin. It was residential and described a person who lived at a castle as in de Keep, or possibly it was occupational and may perhaps… …

    Surnames reference