Make smooth

  • 111lev|i|gate — «LEHV uh gayt», verb, gat|ed, gat|ing, adjective. –v.t. 1. to make into a fine powder by rubbing or grinding: »to levigate mortar. 2. to mix into a smooth paste. 3. Chemistry. to mix so as to make homogeneous …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 112slick´ness — slick «slihk», adjective, verb, noun, adverb. –adj. 1. soft and glossy; sleek; smooth: »slick hair. 2. slippery; greasy: »a road slick with ice or mud. 3. Informal, Figurative …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 113slick´ly — slick «slihk», adjective, verb, noun, adverb. –adj. 1. soft and glossy; sleek; smooth: »slick hair. 2. slippery; greasy: »a road slick with ice or mud. 3. Informal, Figurative …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 114Al-Lail — Infobox Sura Name of Surah=Al Lail Arabic name= سورة الليل Screenshot of Surah=Lunarcorona.jpg Caption= Classification=Makkan Meaning of name=The Night Other names= Sura number=92 Juz number=30 Time of revelation=Early years of prophethood Number …


  • 115sleek´ness — sleek «sleek», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. soft and glossy; smooth: »sleek hair. 2. having smooth, soft skin, hair, or fur: »a sleek cat. 3. Figurative. smooth of speech and manners: »a sleek salesman. He had a look of sleek intelligence ( …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 116sleek´ly — sleek «sleek», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. soft and glossy; smooth: »sleek hair. 2. having smooth, soft skin, hair, or fur: »a sleek cat. 3. Figurative. smooth of speech and manners: »a sleek salesman. He had a look of sleek intelligence ( …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 117slick — slɪk n. area that is smooth or slippery; floating film of oil; magazine printed on shiny paper (Informal) v. make smooth and glossy, make sleek; make tidy, spruce up (Informal) adj. slippery; shiny, glossy, smooth; clever; sly; sophisticated and …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 118slicked — slɪk n. area that is smooth or slippery; floating film of oil; magazine printed on shiny paper (Informal) v. make smooth and glossy, make sleek; make tidy, spruce up (Informal) adj. slippery; shiny, glossy, smooth; clever; sly; sophisticated and …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 119slicker — slick·er || slɪkÉ™(r) n. raincoat; trickster, cheat (Informal); stylish and sophisticated person (Informal); raincoat, mack slɪk n. area that is smooth or slippery; floating film of oil; magazine printed on shiny paper (Informal) v. make… …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 120slickest — slɪk n. area that is smooth or slippery; floating film of oil; magazine printed on shiny paper (Informal) v. make smooth and glossy, make sleek; make tidy, spruce up (Informal) adj. slippery; shiny, glossy, smooth; clever; sly; sophisticated and …

    English contemporary dictionary