Print in Italics
1italics — UK [ɪˈtælɪks] US noun [plural] ★ italics are letters that slope to the right, like the letters used for the examples in this dictionary. Italics are often used to emphasize particular words in a piece of printed writing. Thesaurus: printing and… …
2To print in italics — Печатать курсивом …
3print — I n. photograph 1) to develop; make a print printed state 2) in print; out of print (I have not seen the story in print; the book is out of print) text of a contract 3) the fine, small print (people should always read the fine print) printed… …
4print — v 1. reproduce, Print. strike off, copy, make a copy of, run off, pull a proof, mimeograph, Inf. mimeo, Trademark. Xerox, reprint; lithograph, Print. offset, electrotype; set, set in print, type cast, typeset, Print. linotype, put or send to… …
5Italics — Italic I*tal ic, n.; pl. {Italics}. (Print.) An Italic letter, character, or type (see {Italic}, a., 2.); often in the plural; as, the Italics are the author s. Italic letters are used to distinguish words for emphasis, importance, antithesis,… …
6Importance — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Importance >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 importance importance consequence moment prominence consideration mark materialness GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 import import significance concern …
7italicised — (Brit.) adj. in italics, printed using a form of type in which the letters lean to the right, printed in italics (alsoitalicized) italicise (Brit.) v. print in italics, print using a form of type in which the letters lean to the right (also… …
8italicized — (Amer.) adj. in italics, printed using a form of type in which the letters lean to the right, printed in italics (also italicised) italicize (Amer.) i tal·i·cize || ɪ tælɪsaɪz v. print in italics, print using a form of type in which the… …
9italicize — v. a. Print in Italics, distinguished by Italics …
10italicize — [i tal′ə sīz΄, ītal′ə sīz΄] vt. italicized, italicizing 1. to print in italics 2. to underscore (handwritten or typed matter) with a single line to indicate that it is to be printed in italics italicization n …