Process of reasoning

  • 11reasoning — rea|son|ing [ˈri:zənıŋ] n [U] a process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a judgment scientific/logical/legal reasoning reasoning behind ▪ What is the reasoning behind this decision? …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 12reasoning — [[t]ri͟ːzənɪŋ[/t]] reasonings N VAR Reasoning is the process by which you reach a conclusion after thinking about all the facts. ...the reasoning behind the decision... She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning …

    English dictionary

  • 13reasoning — noun (U) a process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a judgement: logical reasoning | the reasoning behind: What is the reasoning behind this proposal? …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 14reasoning — I noun thinking that is coherent and logical (Freq. 5) • Syn: ↑logical thinking, ↑abstract thought • Derivationally related forms: ↑reason • Hypernyms: ↑th …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 15Process — In anatomy, a process is a projection from a structure. The process of the mandible is the part of the lower jaw that projects forward. In a more general sense, a process is a series of actions or events that are part of a system or of a… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 16Reasoning — Reason Rea son (r[=e] z n), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Reasoned} (r[=e] z nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reasoning}.] [Cf. F. raisonner. See {Reason}, n.] 1. To exercise the rational faculty; to deduce inferences from premises; to perform the process of… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 17reasoning — reasoningly, adv. /ree zeuh ning, reez ning/, n. 1. the act or process of a person who reasons. 2. the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises. 3. the reasons, arguments, proofs, etc., resulting from this… …


  • 18reasoning — rea•son•ing [[t]ˈri zə nɪŋ, ˈriz nɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the act or process of a person who reasons 2) the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises 3) the reasons, arguments, proofs, etc., resulting from this process …

    From formal English to slang

  • 19reasoning — /ˈrizənɪŋ/ (say reezuhning), /ˈriznɪŋ/ (say reezning) noun 1. the act or process of someone who reasons. 2. the process of drawing conclusions or inferences from facts or premises. 3. the reasons, arguments, proofs, etc., resulting from this… …

  • 20reasoning — Synonyms and related words: Vernunft, abstract thought, act of thought, analysis, analytic, arguments, brain, brains, brainwork, cerebral, cerebration, cogitation, conceit, conception, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualization, creative thought,… …

    Moby Thesaurus