Public walk

  • 121perp\ walk — Marshals or sheriff s deputies escorting a prisoner parading a prisoner in front of the media. The camera crews call it a perp walk. The reason they love a good perp walk is because all they have to do is line up outside the courthouse, point and …

    Dictionary of american slang

  • 122Detailed walk through the codecision procedure — This article provides a detailed walk through the codecision procedure used to take many legislative decisions in the European Community; it also describes some historical points.The detail is not needed for the basic understanding and is… …


  • 123Moon walk — Moonwalk Un danseur de rue exécutant le moonwalk à Madrid. Le moonwalk (de l anglais « Moon », qui désigne la Lune, et «  …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 124perp walk — noun The intentional public display before news cameras of someone in police custody, especially someone famous or notorious, for the purpose of satisfying public interest, demonstrating the authorities effectiveness, or shaming the person. FBI… …


  • 125in the public domain — Domain Do*main , n. [F. domaine, OF. demaine, L. dominium, property, right of ownership, fr. dominus master, owner. See {Dame}, and cf {Demesne}, {Dungeon}.] 1. Dominion; empire; authority. [1913 Webster] 2. The territory over which dominion or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 126Glashan Public School — is an Ottawa, Ontario junior high school teaching grade seven and grade eight. It is located in the Centretown neighbourhood between Kent Street and Bank Street.Infobox Education in Canada name= Glashan Public School imagesize= 300px motto= motto …


  • 127Habib public school — Karachi is a boarding university preparatory school located at Karachi, Pakistan. HistoryThe School started on 7 July 1959 with four blocks of buildings, named, Ahmed House, Ghulam Ali House, Dawood House, and Sharif House. The first… …


  • 128Minnesota State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children — Administration Building Minnesota State Public School For Dependent and Neglected Children U.S. National Register of Historic Places …
