Secure to

  • 81Secure Real-time Transport Protocol — Secure Real time Transport Protocol  Безопасный Протокол Передачи данных В реальном времени (или SRTP) определяет профиль однонаправленных и multicast передачах медиа и приложениях. Он был разработан небольшой командой криптоэкспертов Cisco и… …


  • 82secure tenancy — England, Wales A lease of a residential property that is granted by a public body, for example, a local authority for the purpose of providing a home for the tenant. The secure tenancy gives the tenant some security of tenure, which means that… …

    Law dictionary

  • 83Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol — (SEND) est une version sécurisée de Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) d IPv6. SEND est défini dans la RFC 3971. Le protocole ND est responsable de la découverte d autres hôtes sur les liens locaux, de la détermination de l adresse MAC pour les… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 84secure P2P — Développeur L équipe de The Pirate Bay Langue …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 85secure arms Military — hold a rifle with the muzzle downward and the lock in the armpit to guard it from rain. → secure …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 86secure unit — noun A government run institution for the confinement of difficult or mentally disordered persons, juvenile offenders, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑secure …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 87secure training centre — [secure training centre] noun (abbr STC ; ) a centre in Britain for children up to the age of 17 who repeatedly break the law. The children are kept within the centre and are given education and trainin …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 88Secure key issuing cryptography — Secure key issuing is variant of ID based cryptography that reduces the level of trust that needs to be placed in a trusted third party by spreading the trust across multiple third parties. In addition to the normally transmitted information the… …


  • 89Secure Computing Magazine — is a computer magazine emphasising security …


  • 90Secure Communication based on Quantum Cryptography — (SECOQC) is a project that aims to develop quantum cryptography (see there for further details). The European Union decided in 2004 to invest 11 million EUR in the project as a way of circumventing espionage attempts by ECHELON. Christian Monyk,… …
