accomplished fact

  • 91Trotsky, Leon — orig. Lev Davidovich Bronshtein born Nov. 7, 1879, Yanovka, Ukraine, Russian Empire died Aug. 20, 1940, Coyoacán, Mex., near Mexico City Russian communist leader. Born to Russian Jewish farmers, he joined an underground socialist group and was… …


  • 92Warsaw Ghetto Uprising — (April 19–May 16, 1943) Revolt by Polish Jews under Nazi occupation against deportation to the Treblinka extermination camp. By July 1942 the Nazis had herded 500,000 Jews from surrounding areas into the ghetto in Warsaw. Though starvation killed …


  • 93Anielewicz, Mordecai — ▪ Polish hero also spelled  Mordechai Anilowitz  born 1919, Wyszków, Poland died May 8, 1943, Warsaw       hero and principal leader of armed Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.       Anielewicz was born into a working… …


  • 94Howe, Joseph — ▪ Canadian statesman and publisher born Dec. 13, 1804, Halifax, Nova Scotia died June 1, 1873, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can.       Canadian statesman and newspaper publisher, premier of Nova Scotia in 1860–63, agitator for responsible, or cabinet,… …


  • 95Ambition — • The undue craving for honor Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambition     Ambition     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 96Bohemian Brethren — • Bohemian Brethren and Moravian Brethren are the current popular designation of the Unitas Fratrum founded in Bohemia in 1457, renewed by Count Zinzendorf in 1722 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Bohemian Brethren      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 97Duel — • This word, as used both in the ecclesiastical and civil criminal codes, generally signifies every contest with deadly weapons which takes place by agreement between two persons on account of some private quarrel Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 98Falsity — • A perversion of truth originating in the deceitfulness of one party, and culminating in the damage of another party Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Falsity     Falsity      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 99Free Church of Scotland — • Short introduction and history of the United Free Church. Briefly covers the secession, notes the events leading up to the disruption and deals with the events during the unification Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Free Church of… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 100Visitation Order — • The nuns of the Visitation of Mary, called also Filles de Sainte Marie, Visitandines, and Salesian Sisters, were founded in 1610 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Visitation Order     Visitation Order …

    Catholic encyclopedia