as below

  • 31Winter Sunshine , John Burroughs (1875)
    Cold as the day was (many degrees below freezing), I heard and saw bluebirds, and as we passed along, every sheltered tangle and overgrown field orlane swarmed with snowbirds and sparrows,--the… 1310 руб

  • 32Essays Of Travel , Robert Louis Stevenson (1891)
    We have come here for the river. And no sooner have we all bathed than we board the two shallops and push off gaily, and go gliding under the treesand gathering a great treasure of water-lilies. Some… 1310 руб

  • 33Tales Of Men And Ghosts , Edith Wharton (1914)
    Down his spine he felt the man's injured stare. Mr. Granice had always been so mild-spoken to his people -- no doubt the odd change in his manner had already been noticed and discussed below stairs… 1484 руб

  • 34Sir Nigel , Arthur Conan Doyle (1909)
    In those simple times there was a great wonder and mystery in life. Man walked in fear and solemnity, with Heaven very close above his head, and Hell below his very feet. God's visible hand was… 1317 руб

  • 35The Unconscious Mind , Alfred T. Schofield (1899)
    1899. Contents: On Mind below Man; The Scope of Mind in Man; The Conscious Mind; The Unconscious Mind; The Relations of the Unconscious and Conscious; The Unconscious Mind and Habit; The Unconscious… 1780 руб

  • 36Lost Voices , Porter Sarah (2011)
    Fourteen-year-old Luce has had a tough life, but she reaches the depths of despair when she is assaulted and left on the cliffs outside of a grim, gray Alaskan fishing village. She expects to die… 1356 руб

  • 37The Aerodrome: A Love Story , Warner Rex (2008)
    A model of efficiency and order, the aerodrome stands on the hill looking down on the village below. Roy, coming of age in the messy, violent and adulterous world of the villagers, is simultaneously… 799 руб

  • 38The Obama Syndrome , Ali Tariq (2011)
    Written in early 2010 and initially published in September, The Obama Syndrome predicted the Obama administration's historic midterm defeat. But unlike myriad commentators who have since pinned… 1310 руб

  • 39What Rose Saw (+ Audio CD) , O'Carolan Pauline
    After a terrible car accident, Rose doesn't like to go out. Instead, she watches the world from her balcony. She sees people down in the street below. She watches them coming and going from her… 563 руб

  • 40The Village , Bunin Ivan (2012)
    Ivan Bunin's first published work, The Village is a bleak and uncompromising portrayal of rural life in south-west Russia. Set at the time of the 1905 Revolution and centering on episodes in the… 444 руб