be a brewer

  • 71brewer — noun see brew I …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 72brewer'syeast — brew·er s yeast (bro͞oʹərz) n. A yeast of the genus Saccharomyces, used as a ferment in brewing and also as a source of B complex vitamins. * * * …


  • 73brewer's yeast — a yeast, as of the genus Saccharomyces, suitable for use as a ferment in the manufacture of wine and beer. [1915 20] * * * …


  • 74Brewer, David J(osiah) — born June 20, 1837, Smyrna, Ottoman Empire died March 28, 1910, Washington, D.C., U.S. U.S. jurist. Born to U.S. missionaries, he grew up in Connecticut and practiced law in Kansas from 1858. He served in local judgeships (1861–70), on the state… …


  • 75brewer's rice — noun a) Broken pieces of food grade rice used typically in the manufacture of food and beverages, as well as in animal feeds; broken rice. Lets use brewers rice because its cheaper. <! b) Extend this numbered list to define any additional… …


  • 76brewer — noun /ˈbɹuː.ə(ɹ)/ someone who brews, or whose occupation is to prepare malt liquors …


  • 77brewer's droop — noun erectile dysfunction brought about by heavy drinking …


  • 78brewer's yeast — noun Any live yeast used in brewing or yeast obtained as a by product of brewing, dried and killed, and used as nutritional yeast …


  • 79Brewer — George E., U.S. surgeon, 1861–1939. See B. infarcts, under infarct …

    Medical dictionary

  • 80Brewer, Simon Dominic — (England)    Contemporary digital illustrator based in northern England. His erotic fantasy works are visually complex images with semi nude female figures.    Reproductions: The Green man; Fell and Duddlebug, 2008: p. 17 …

    Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators