be fermented

  • 21fermented — adjective a) Produced by fermentation. b) Of food or drink, turned sour due to unwanted fermentation. Syn: sour, soured, rancid, bad …


  • 22fermented — adj. having undergone fermentation fer·ment || fÉ™(r) ment n. yeast, substance which causes fermentation; fermenting; agitation, excitement v. cause to ferment; undergo fermentation; cause to undergo fermentation; agitate, inflame; be agitated …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 23fermented liquors — Beverages produced by, or which have undergone, a process of alcoholic fermentation, to which they owe their intoxicating properties, including beer, wine, hard cider, and the like, but not spirituous liquors or distilled liquors …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 24fermented liquors — Beverages produced by, or which have undergone, a process of alcoholic fermentation, to which they owe their intoxicating properties, including beer, wine, hard cider, and the like, but not spirituous liquors or distilled liquors …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 25fermented liquor — Alcoholic beverages prepared in part by utilizing the natural process of fermentation …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 26fermented apple juice — сидр …

    English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • 27fermented cabbage — квашенная капуста dehydrated cabbage сушеная капуста red cabbage капуста краснокочанная a cabbage patch участок под капустой cabbage shredding шинкование капусты shredded cabbage шинкованная капуста …

    English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • 28fermented juice — сбродивший сок crushed juice плодовый сок с мякотью juice extractor экстрактор для соков juice pump насос для перекачки соков nonclarified juice неосветленный сок overlimed juice передефекованный сок …

    English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • 29fermented milk — кисло молочный продукт milk food молочные продукты milk product молочный продукт milk products молочный продукт sour milk cheese кисло молочный сыр cultured milk кисло молочный продукт …

    English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • 30fermented milk drink — кисло молочный напиток egg drink яичный напиток drink powder сухой напиток fizzy drink шипучий напиток iced drink напиток со льдом milk drink молочный напиток …

    English-Russian travelling dictionary