
  • 121bemire — v 1. muddy, spatter, bespatter, draggle, drabble, Archaic. daggle; smudge, smutch, smirch, bedaub; smear, slime, blur, tar, grease; spot, blotch, stain, taint, sully, maculate, defile, befoul; soil, dirty, muck, blacken, tarnish. 2. mire, swamp,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 122besmear — v smear, smirch, smudge, begrime, sully, soil, stain, smutch, draggle; daub all over, bedaub, blot, spot, blemish, splatter, spatter, bespatter; defile, blotch, mar, deface …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123besmirch — v soil, begrime, muddy, draggle, bedraggle, smutch, smear, besmear; blot, spot, blemish, stain, blotch; mar, defame, defile, sully, taint; tarnish, dull, discolor, oxidate …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124blot — n 1. spot, speck, blotch, patch, dot, mark; smudge, smutch, smear, smirch, blur; stain, soil, dirt. 2. blemish, taint, flaw, mar; defect, fault, crack, scratch; imperfection, disfigurement, defacement. v 3. spot, smudge, smutch, mark, ink;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125dangle — v 1. hang, hang down, depend, droop, sag; drag, draggle, trail; swing, sway, oscillate, librate. 2. flaunt, flourish, wave, brandish, hold up. 3. follow, follow at heel, hang about or around, hang on the skirts or sleeve of, attach oneself to,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126daub — v 1. smear, besmear, bedaub, cover, coat, plaster, Inf. slapdash, Inf. slap on. 2. begrime, soil, dirty, sully, bedraggle, draggle, muddy; smudge, smirch, spatter, splatter, slop, spot, stain; defile, deface, befoul. n 3. smear, smudge, smirch,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127defile — v 1. pollute, taint, dirty, soil, poison, befoul, make filthy, begrime; spot, smear, blot, blur, smudge, smirch, draggle, spatter, besmear, daub; maculate, stain, tarnish. 2. ravish, rape, deprive of virginity, deflower; assault, attack, force,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128depend — v 1. dangle, pendulate, hang, hang down, droop, draggle, overhand, swing, flap. 2. turn, hinge, be dependent on, be subject to, be contingent upon. 3. depend on trust in, rely on, count on, lean on; swear by, bank on, pin one s faith on, have… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder