bearing down

  • 21bear\ down\ on — • bear down on • bear down upon v. phr. To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 22bear\ down\ upon — • bear down on • bear down upon v. phr. To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 23bear down on — or[upon] {v. phr.} To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. * /The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 24bear down on — or[upon] {v. phr.} To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force. * /The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers get away car./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 25bear down on — verb To approach someone in a very determined way. I could see the headmaster bearing down on me, and looked hopelessly round for a means of escape …


  • 26bear down on — we knew that Sherman s men would be bearing down on us by dawn Syn: advance on, close in on, move in on, converge on …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 27ˌbear ˈdown on sb/sth — phrasal verb to move quickly towards someone in a determined and threatening way I could see a police car bearing down on us.[/ex] …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 28Linear-motion bearing — A linear motion bearing or slide is a bearing designed to provide free motion in one dimension. There are many different types of linear motion bearings and this family of products is generally broken down into two sub categories: rolling element …


  • 29Fluid bearing — Fluid bearings are bearings which solely support the bearing s loads on a thin layer of liquid or gas.They can be broadly classified as fluid dynamic bearings, hydrostatic or gas bearings. They are frequently used in high load, high speed or high …


  • 30To bear down — Bear Bear (b[^a]r), v. t. [imp. {Bore} (b[=o]r) (formerly {Bare} (b[^a]r)); p. p. {Born} (b[^o]rn), {Borne} (b[=o]rn); p. pr. & vb. n. {Bearing}.] [OE. beren, AS. beran, beoran, to bear, carry, produce; akin to D. baren to bring forth, G. geb[… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English