become inspissated
1inspissated — adjective Date: 1655 thickened in consistency; broadly made or having become thick, heavy, or intense …
2inspissated — adj. thickened, made thickv. make thick, thicken; become thick …
3thicken — I. v. a. 1. Inspissate, make dense. 2. Make close, make compact. 3. Make frequent. II. v. n. 1. Grow thick, become inspissated. 2. Concrete, become solid, be consolidated, condense, solidify. 3. Become obscure …
4syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… …
5degeneration — 1. Deterioration; passing from a higher to a lower level or type. 2. A worsening of mental, physical, or moral qualities. 3. A retrogressive pathologic change in cells or tissues, in consequence of which their functions are often impaired or… …
6Alcohol in the Bible — Alcoholic beverages appear repeatedly in biblical literature – from Noah planting a vineyard and getting drunk in the Hebrew Bible [ 27 Ge 9:20–27] ] to Jesus in the New Testament miraculously… …
7Christian views on alcohol — Jesus making wine from water in The Marriage at Cana, a 14th century fresco from the Visoki Dečani monastery. Christian views on alcohol are varied. Throughout the first 1,800 years of church history, Christians consumed alcoholic beverages as …
8Peritonitis — This article is about peritonitis in human beings. For a specific cause of peritonitis in cats, see Feline infectious peritonitis. Peritonitis Classification and external resources ICD 10 K65 ICD 9 …
9Beer in New Zealand — Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in New Zealand, accounting for 63% of available alcohol for sale.[1] New Zealand is ranked 19th in beer consumption per capita, at around 75.5 litres per person per annum. The vast majority of beer… …
10inspissate — inspissation, n. inspissator, n. /in spis ayt/, v.t., v.i., inspissated, inspissating. to thicken, as by evaporation; make or become dense. [1620 30; < LL inspissatus ptp. of inspissare to thicken, equiv. to L in IN 2 + spissa(re) to thicken… …