become solid

  • 41consolidate — [kən säl′ə dāt΄] vt., vi. consolidated, consolidating [< L consolidatus, pp. of consolidare < com , together + solidare, to make solid < solidus, solid: see HOLO ] 1. to combine into a single whole; merge; unite 2. to make or become… …

    English World dictionary

  • 42solidify — [sə lid′ə fī΄] vt., vi. solidified, solidifying [Fr solidifier: see SOLID & FY] 1. to make or become solid, firm, hard, compact, etc. 2. to crystallize 3. to make or become solid, strong, or united solidification n …

    English World dictionary

  • 43Ursuline Academy (Delaware) — Established in 1893 by the Ursulines in Wilmington, Delaware, Ursuline Academy is a private school which offers Early Childhood (Montessori and Kindergarten) and Primary (Grades 1 3) school classes for both girls and boys, and Intermediate… …


  • 44Johnny Sorrow — Superherobox| caption=Cover to JSA # 18. Art by Howard Porter. character name= Johnny Sorrow real name= Unknown publisher= DC Comics debut= Secret Origins of Super Villains # 1 (1999) creators=David S. Goyer Geoff Johns Phil Winslade… …


  • 45List of House of Night characters — A list of all the characters in the House of Night series written by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast. Contents 1 Fledglings 1.1 Zoey Redbird 1.1.1 Love life 1.2 Damien Maslin …


  • 46thicken — I. v. a. 1. Inspissate, make dense. 2. Make close, make compact. 3. Make frequent. II. v. n. 1. Grow thick, become inspissated. 2. Concrete, become solid, be consolidated, condense, solidify. 3. Become obscure …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 47consolidate — consolidator, n. /keuhn sol i dayt /, v., consolidated, consolidating, adj. v.t. 1. to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: They consolidated their three companies. 2. to discard the unused or unwanted… …


  • 48concrete — con•crete [[t]ˈkɒn krit, ˈkɒŋ , kɒnˈkrit, kɒŋ [/t]] adj. n. v. cret•ed, cret•ing 1) constituting an actual thing or instance; real; perceptible; substantial: concrete proof[/ex] 2) pertaining to or concerned with realities or actual instances… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 49solidify — [c]/səˈlɪdəfaɪ/ (say suh liduhfuy) verb (solidified, solidifying) –verb (t) 1. to make solid; make into a hard or compact mass; change from a liquid or gaseous to a solid form. 2. to unite firmly or consolidate. 3. to form into crystals. –verb… …

  • 50con|sol|i|date — «kuhn SOL uh dayt», verb, dat|ed, dat|ing, adjective. –v.t. 1. to combine into one; unite: »The small farms were bought by a seed company and consolidated for greater efficiency. Many country schools have been consolidated. SYNONYM(S) …

    Useful english dictionary