become solid

  • 61solidify — [səˈlɪdɪˌfaɪ] verb [I/T] to become solid, or to make something become solid …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 62El Topo — Infobox Film | name = El Topo caption = Theatrical release poster. director = Alejandro Jodorowsky producer = Juan López Moctezuma Moshe Rosemberg Roberto Viskin writer = Alejandro Jodorowsky starring =Alejandro Jodorowsky Brontis Jodorowsky Mara …


  • 63Shortening — is a semisolid fat used in food preparation, especially baked goods, and is so called because it promotes a short or crumbly texture (as in shortbread). The term shortening can be used more broadly to apply to any fat that is used for baking and… …


  • 64Gyōji — A Gyōji (行司) is a referee in professional sumō wrestling in Japan. Gyōji usually enter the sumo world as teenagers and remain employees of the Sumō Association until they retire aged 65. ResponsibilitiesThe gyōji s principal and most obvious task …


  • 65freeze*/ — [friːz] (past tense froze [frəʊz] ; past participle frozen [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n] ) verb I 1) [I/T] to become solid or hard because of extreme cold, or to make something solid or hard The lake freezes in winter.[/ex] The water had frozen solid.[/ex] 2) [T] …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 66consolidate — con•sol•i•date [[t]kənˈsɒl ɪˌdeɪt[/t]] v. dat•ed, dat•ing 1) to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite 2) to make solid, firm, or secure; strengthen: to consolidate gains[/ex] 3) to organize into a more compact form …

    From formal English to slang

  • 67concrete — /ˈkɒnkrit / (say konkreet), /ˈkɒŋ / (say kong ) adjective 1. constituting an actual thing or instance; real: a concrete example. 2. relating to or concerned with realities or actual instances rather than abstractions; particular as opposed to… …

  • 68consolidate — [c]/kənˈsɒlədeɪt / (say kuhn soluhdayt) verb (consolidated, consolidating) –verb (t) 1. to make solid or firm; solidify; strengthen: to consolidate gains. 2. to strengthen by rearranging the position of ground combat troops after a successful… …

  • 69con|crete´ness — con|crete «KON kreet; especially for v.t. 2, v.i. 1 kon KREET», adjective, noun, verb, cret|ed, cret|ing. –adj. 1. existing as an actual object, not merely as an idea or as a quality; real: »A painting is concrete; its beauty is not a concrete… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 70con|crete´ly — con|crete «KON kreet; especially for v.t. 2, v.i. 1 kon KREET», adjective, noun, verb, cret|ed, cret|ing. –adj. 1. existing as an actual object, not merely as an idea or as a quality; real: »A painting is concrete; its beauty is not a concrete… …

    Useful english dictionary